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befoo: Resumo do Repositório

Recent Commits RSS

Rev. Hora Autor Mensagem
r143 2021-08-04 15:45:49 z0rac
r142 2021-08-04 15:07:23 z0rac
r141 2021-08-04 14:58:45 z0rac Support TLSv1.2 later.
r140 2018-04-20 04:55:08 z0rac
r139 2018-04-20 04:52:27 z0rac
r138 2018-04-20 04:06:12 z0rac
r137 2018-04-20 03:55:19 z0rac
r136 2018-04-20 03:51:59 z0rac
r135 2018-04-20 03:48:59 z0rac
r134 2018-04-20 03:47:13 z0rac

Recently edited Tags

Nome Rev. Hora Autor
1.4.2 r136 2018-04-20 03:51:59 z0rac
1.4.1 r135 2018-04-20 03:48:59 z0rac
1.4 r128 2013-01-08 16:48:36 z0rac
1.3 r124 2013-01-08 16:24:02 z0rac
1.2.1 r123 2013-01-08 16:21:49 z0rac
1.2 r122 2013-01-08 16:19:28 z0rac
1.1 r71 2010-02-08 03:35:58 z0rac
1.0 r54 2009-07-14 23:22:38 z0rac


Nome Rev. Hora Autor Mensagem
1.4-stable r137 2018-04-20 03:55:19 z0rac


befoo - IMAP mail checker <http://befoo.sourceforge.jp/>

Befoo is a simple IMAP4/POP3 client for Windows XP or later. It fetches
mail from plural mailbox, and shows summary with subject, sender and date.

You will copy the file "befoo.exe", and "extend.dll" as necessary, to your
application folder. And you may make a shortcut in the startup folder.
The "extend.dll" provides the settings dialog box. If it didn't exist, you
need to edit your settings manually by Notepad.

Befoo will read your settings from the file "befoo.ini". This file will be
located in the user's local application data folder, or the same folder
with the application. At initial startup, it will be created in the local
application data folder. See below an example for "befoo.ini":

passwd=your password	; It will be coded later.
sound=MailBeep		; A sound alias or path to a wave file.
			; (default: No sound)
period=10		; A fetching period in minutes. (default: 15)
ip=6			; IP version 6. (default: 0 meaning "unspecified")
verify=1		; Ability to verify certificate, only server name.
			; (default: 3 meaning "full")

[another over SSL]
verify=2		; Allow self certification.

[Google Apps email]


[POP3 recents]		; Summary of recents only.

[POP3 over SSL]

icon=32,50,2		; The mascot icon size, transparency and resource
			; number. (default: 64,0,1)
balloon=5,3		; Period and subjects to show the balloon.
			; (default: 10,0)
summary=5,1,20		; Period to show the summary, switch to show the
			; summary when mail is fetched, and the inactive
			; summary transparency.(default: 3,0,0)
delay=30		; Delay seconds to the first fetching.(default: 0)

This product is distributed under the GNU GPL. Please read through the file
LICENSE.txt for more information.

Bug reports:
For any bug reports or feature requests please refer to the ticket system
at SourceForge.JP <http://sourceforge.jp/ticket/newticket.php?group_id=3995>.
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