[cocomonar-dev] Macromedia Studio MX 2004.

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Dimitris rotblut rotbl****@mlsh*****
2007年 8月 14日 (火) 01:31:19 JST

H+u*g+e N*e+w_s To I'mpact C+Y_T.V 

Chi*na You-TV C,o r+p*. 
Symb*ol: C+Y.T,V 

We h*a v*e alr'eady s-e*e_n CYTV-'s m.arket impac t befor e clim+b,ing to o-v-e_r $2..00 w-i,t_h n+e,w.s'. 
P+ress Releas_e: 

Chin,a Yo uTV's C-nBoo W.e+b S i*t*e Rank,s N*o'..1 on Mi cros*oft L_i,v*e Sear+ch En.gine 

CnB_oo Traf fic In*cre ases 4 9-% O v e'r T'w-o M-onths 

R+e.a_d t'h-e new.s, th_ink abo*ut t'h,e imp.act, and

j.u'm p on t_h*i_s fir+st th'ing T omorro'w mo.rn.ing!  $0.4*2 is a g'i'f_t****@t*****'i.s pric'e..,... 

Do y.o u_r h'+omework a+n'd wa*tch t_h+i,s tra+de Monda*y mornin+g. 

F_o_r rea-ding an e+ntire f+i_l e i-n+t_o c+o.r*e bef_ore parsi_ng it.
Marga.ri_ta f'e*l+t h e-r furio'us ste-ed cha' mping a*n'd s+train-ing at t h+e b,i+t+. 

I,t-'-s a g o+o*d p_rice," s a+i d t'h'e Persi.a+n. "Be_tter t_a_k+e it whi-le y+o,u c,a'n g'e't i*t*, in anoth,er w+e,e.k y_o-u won''t g,e+t fi ve, y*ou'll j'u,s-t h.a v+e blist -ered y'o.u'r hand s f*o.r n_othing. 

Tat'u.suoka Han'db+ook f+o_r t-h.e sixte*en per' sonaliti f-aktor que stion'aire (+1+6 P_F-) in cl-inical., edu +cational, indus-t_rial a.n*d r-esea-rch phys.iologi.. 
T h+i's shif+t in t'h'e c'ha.racter of t*h'e mo dern crac+ker w*i+l_l undoubte-d-ly tri+gger stiff er s+entence.s in t*h'e fut'ure. 

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