Ticket List (7 matches)

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  • TipoEqual: Feature Requests
  • EstadoEqual: Aberto
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IDÚltima AtualizaçãoSumárioDonoRelatorTipoMarcosComponentePrioridadeGravidadeEstadoResolução
474672023-02-21 06:132023-02-21 06:13adaptec raid supportmaxoptimusFeature Requests9 - Highest9 - HighestAbertoNenhum
417142021-03-08 20:382022-04-23 09:52Global Show temperatures (.ini files)hiyohiyostep89Feature Requests76AbertoNenhum
434552021-12-21 11:472021-12-21 11:47Add timestamp to the point in GraphvinixwuFeature Requests5 - Medium5 - MediumAbertoNenhum
426912021-08-05 22:262021-08-05 22:26Install Paramter/ Programmausführungdmtest001Feature Requests5 - Medium5 - MediumAbertoNenhum
417352021-03-12 01:412021-03-12 01:41Improvments for Mail AlertdiscontinuanceFeature Requests5 - Medium5 - MediumAbertoNenhum
417152021-03-08 20:392021-03-08 20:39msi to deploystep89Feature Requests5 - Medium5 - MediumAbertoNenhum
460562022-11-10 13:382022-11-10 13:38choose SMART attributes to logjafopo2608Feature Requests1 - Lowest1 - LowestAbertoNenhum