Fóruns: Announcements (Thread #46089)

Escuelas Linux publishes a fix to its installation packages for the Veyon app as server (2022-06-26 08:46 by escuelaslinux #90367)

As part of its services, Escuelas Linux offers in its ISO images the folders veyonClient and veyonServer that contains a script to ease the installation of the optional Veyon program. The procedure for its use is documented in our Installation Manual.

Nevertheless, in our recently released version 7.5, we inadvertently failed to include three configuration files in the veyonServer folder.

We released veyonServer64.tar.gz (for Escuelas Linux 7.5 64-bit), which contains the missing files, and additionally fixes a bug in which the Veyon server would not configure correctly in a computer classroom that has assigned a number higher than 1.

We also released veyonServer32.tar.gz for Escuelas Linux 6.19 32-bit, which also fixes the bug of the computer classroom with an assigned number higher than 1.

Finally, we offer veyonClient32.tar.gz and veyonClient64.tar.gz (for Escuelas Linux 6.19 and 7.5, respectively), with a minor fix that makes possible to see the client computers with an assigned classroom number higher than 1. Nevertheless, this fix may not be necessary in most cases because the function to see the client computers is generally reserved only for the computer assigned as the server.

If Veyon is already installed and working in your computer classroom, you don’t need to download these files nor do anything about it. These packages are useful only for new Escuelas Linux installations in which the Veyon server would be installed on a computer, or in a computer previously affected by the bug mentioned above.

You can download VeyonServer64 and VeyonClient64 from:


You can download VeyonServer32 and VeyonClient32 from:
