S3_0 to S3_1 rsconvert paradrop conflicting reqs
Reply To cazfi
These come even if I drop the only citytile requirement from any S3_0 Paradrop enabler, i.e., it seems like the conversion adds both of the requirements contradicting each other.
It does. New obligatory hard requirements are added automatically. The result of more than one possible way to fulfill a requirement is one enabler copy for each alternative. They are added blindly. Self contradicting permutations are - as the message says - dropped.
Would printing a message that some self contradicting enablers will be created and then dropped during the upgrade be an acceptable solution for this?
Can't we really get rid of this being printed out as an error (log level '1:' )?
If we just add an additional message, it either must be treated as an error message too, or we accept that it does not always appear when these errors do (when log level is set to 'errors only'). This also spams such 'errors only' logs.
Reply To cazfi
Can't we really get rid of this being printed out as an error (log level '1:' )?
I agree that it shouldn't be printed as an error when it is rscompat's fault. Would reducing it to normal work for now? Should support for detecting that an action enabler has completely disappeared with all its copies than that can be an error and those where another copy survived can be debug.
Reply To kvilhaugsvik
Reply To cazfi
Can't we really get rid of this being printed out as an error (log level '1:' )?
I agree that it shouldn't be printed as an error when it is rscompat's fault. Would reducing it to normal work for now? Should support for detecting that an action enabler has completely disappeared with all its copies than that can be an error and those where another copy survived can be debug.
Reducing to LOG_NORMAL is one thing to do. Wording is a bit scary; not everyone pay attention to the level. Maybe add that explanatory message *in addition* to adjusting the level?
"can be an error" -> isn't 'potential error' same as 'warn'? We have that level in S3_1+
This version prints the explanation message every time there is a risk of a contradiction being deleted since the user may not scroll far above the warnings.
While loading S3_0 civ2civ3 to S3_1 freeciv-ruledit:
1: While adding hard obligatory reqs to action enabler for Paradrop Unit Conquer: Requirements {Local CityTile !Claimed} and {Local CityTile Claimed} contradict each other. Dropping it.
1: last message repeated 2 times
1: last message repeated 1 time (total 3 repeats)
1: While adding hard obligatory reqs to action enabler for Paradrop Unit Frighten Conquer: Requirements {Local CityTile !Claimed} and {Local CityTile Claimed} contradict each other. Dropping it.
1: last message repeated 2 times
1: last message repeated 1 time (total 3 repeats)
1: While adding hard obligatory reqs to action enabler for Paradrop Unit Enter Conquer: Requirements {Local CityTile !Claimed} and {Local CityTile Claimed} contradict each other. Dropping it.
These come even if I drop the only citytile requirement from any S3_0 Paradrop enabler, i.e., it seems like the conversion adds both of the requirements contradicting each other.