Loading savegames with deprecation warnings enabled (sometimes) give unused entry warnings about likes of 'player25.c135.wl_value0' and 'player25.c135.wl_kind0'
It's likely due to loading side looking entries just up to real "wl_length", whereas saving side has padding entries to avoid savegame from going out from tabular format.
Master version saves the max worklist length (i.e. how much there is padding) to the savegame. d3f branches have to take a bit more expensive route of figuring that out by looking all the city rows from the secfile.
Loading savegames with deprecation warnings enabled (sometimes) give unused entry warnings about likes of 'player25.c135.wl_value0' and 'player25.c135.wl_kind0'
It's likely due to loading side looking entries just up to real "wl_length", whereas saving side has padding entries to avoid savegame from going out from tabular format.