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Projeto Descrição

asmutils is a set of miscellaneous utilities
written in assembly language, targeted on embedded
systems and small distributions (e.g. installation
or rescue disks). It also contains a small libc
and a crypto library. It is optimized for size,
memory usage, and speed, and offers fairly good
functionality. The project supports Linux and the
BSD family. Unixware, Solaris, and AtheOS support
is in beta stage. This package also aims to
provide a portable development framework, and to
encourage assembly programmers to write for

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-02-18 13:10

cda2raw, idéia, md5, lsusb ksyms, deflate / inflar, telnetd, usuários e utilitários gi foram adicionados. Várias correções foram feitas junto com a melhoria do serviços públicos existentes. Uma atualização foi feita para a versão mais recente do nasm.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
cda2raw, idea, md5, ksyms, lsusb, deflate/inflate, telnetd, users, and gi utilities were added. Various bugfixes were made along with improvements to the existing utilities. An update was made to the latest version of nasm.

2002-08-17 20:34

Cerca de vinte novos utilitários foram adicionados. Várias melhorias e correções foram feitas.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
About twenty new utilities were added. Various improvements and
bugfixes were made.

2002-03-03 02:08

Os seguintes utilitários novos foram adicionados: CMP, dedo, killall/killall5/pidof, mesg, agradável, nm, nohup, rot13, sysctl, teste, escreva, fdisk, acolhimento, alcatrão, telnet, corte, m_inetd, POP3, digitalização, kldload / kldunload / kldstat. Os seguintes recursos foram adicionados ao sh: & & e | | internals, scripting, tubulação e suporte redirecionamento, curinga que prorroga, CTRL + Z manipulação, fg, bg, empregos comandos internos, variáveis de ambiente $ manipulação e controle de alguns personagens, e '# 'comentários. Logging (IP | | de cabeçalho), um argumento de linha de comando err404file, mais tipos de conteúdo, e uma extensão da tabela tipo de conteúdo foram adicionados ao httpd. Lote de outras várias correções e melhorias foram feitas.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
The following new utilities were added: cmp,
finger, killall/killall5/pidof, mesg, nice, nm,
nohup, rot13, sysctl, test, write,fdisk, host,
tar, telnet, cut, m_inetd, pop3, scan,
kldload/kldunload/kldstat. The following features
were added to sh: && and || internals, scripting,
pipe & redirection support, wildcard extending,
ctrl+z handling, fg, bg, jobs internal commands,
$environment variable handling and some
control-characters, and '#' comments. Logging
(IP||HEADER), an err404file command line argument,
more content types, and an extension-content type
table were added to httpd. Lot of other various
fixes and improvements were made.

2001-09-25 00:25

Novos utilitários (ifconfig / route, mknod / cole mkfifo, DC, OD, tail, tr, o que, claro, fromdos / todos, readlink, menos readkey, readelf, whoami, e relógio), suporte shell para guia-realização e história, e várias correções de bugs e melhorias para outras utilidades.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
New utilities (ifconfig/route, mknod/mkfifo, dc, od, paste, tail, tr, which, clear, fromdos/todos, readlink, less, readkey, readelf, whoami, and watch), shell support for tab-completion and history, and various bugfixes and improvements to other utilities.

2001-03-18 13:01

Esta versão inclui ls, hexdump, dd, ping, init, e várias melhorias para libc / libm.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release includes ls, hexdump, dd, ping, init,
and various improvements to libc/libm.

Project Resources