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convmv converts filenames (not file content),
directories, and even whole filesystems to a different
encoding. This comes in very handy if, for example,
one switches from an 8-bit locale to an UTF-8 locale or changes charsets on Samba servers. It
has some smart features: it automagically recognises if
a file is already UTF-8 encoded (thus partly converted
filesystems can be fully moved to UTF-8) and it also
takes care of symlinks. Additionally, it is able to convert
from normalization form C (UTF-8 NFC) to NFD and vice-versa. This is important for interoperability with Mac OS X, for example, which uses NFD, while Linux and most other Unixes use NFC. Though it's primary written to convert from/to UTF-8 it can also be used with almost any other charset encoding. Convmv can also be used for case conversion from upper to lower case and vice versa with virtually any charset. Note that this is a command line tool which requires at least Perl version 5.8.0.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-08-21 17:09

Esta versão adiciona uma nova opção --dump opções para fazer coisas como escrever uma conclusão fácil bash. Esta versão também adiciona o recurso para fazer a conversão de caso sobre um sistema de arquivos case-insensitive.
This release adds a new --dump-options option to make writing things like a bash completion easier. This release also adds the feature to do case conversion on a case-insensitive filesystem.

2008-12-12 18:57

Esta versão funciona em torno de alguns mais do Perl:: incompatibilidades Encode. Ele agora corre novamente com o velho Perl 5,8 releases.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release works around some more Perl::Encode
incompatibilities. It now runs again with old Perl
5.8 releases.

2008-12-01 05:50

Esta versão adiciona um novo modo analisável, uma opção para fixar melhor dupla UTF-8 arquivos codificados, ea capacidade de preservar timestamps. Algumas coisas menores foram polidas.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release adds a new parseable mode, an option to better fix double UTF-8 encoded files, and the ability to preserve timestamps. Some minor things have been polished.

2008-01-23 19:31

Esta versão também funciona com Perl 5,10. É licenciado sob a GPL v2 e v3.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release also works with Perl 5.10. It is licensed under the GPL v2 and v3.

2008-01-22 16:37

Esta versão corrige alguns pequenos bugs, melhora a suíte de testes, e introduz uma nova verificação de rotina que é chamado na inicialização do programa. Perl 5.8.8 apresenta um bug que convmv afetada, que pode ser contornado. Perl 5,10 introduziu um novo bug que agora é relatado para ser um bug do Perl para que o usuário não saber porque as coisas não funcionam como esperado.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release fixes some small bugs, improves the
test suite, and introduces a new check routine
which is called at program startup. Perl 5.8.8
introduced a bug that affected convmv which can be
worked around. Perl 5.10 again introduced a bug
which is now reported to be a Perl bug so that the
user does not wonder why things don't work as

Project Resources