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Projeto Descrição

Crabgrass is social networking, group collaboration, and network organizing Web application. It consists of a solid suite of group collaboration tools such as private wikis, task lists, a file repository, and decision making tools. Work is currently being done on a large user interface overhaul, better social networking tools, blogs, and event calendars, as well as better support for collaboration and decision making among independent groups.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-10-16 06:28 Back to release list

Esta versão é um rápido seguimento 0.5.3. Ele contém uma correção importante para o editor WYSIWYG. Ele também apresenta a capacidade de desativar as notificações de todos os outros usuários, inclusive os amigos. Ela corrige uns pequenos bugs na exibição superadmin de listas de usuários.
Tags: Stable
This release is a quick follow-up to 0.5.3. It contains an important fix to the WYSIWYG editor. It also introduces the ability to disable notifications from all other users, including friends. It fixes a few small bugs in the superadmin view of user lists.

Project Resources