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Projeto Descrição

Crabgrass is social networking, group collaboration, and network organizing Web application. It consists of a solid suite of group collaboration tools such as private wikis, task lists, a file repository, and decision making tools. Work is currently being done on a large user interface overhaul, better social networking tools, blogs, and event calendars, as well as better support for collaboration and decision making among independent groups.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-03-24 08:04 Back to release list

Esta é uma versão pequena, com algumas correções importantes. Um problema de XSS no bate-papo foi corrigido. Por favor, atualize o mais rapidamente possível. Tem uma nova maneira de ver as estatísticas do usuário e grupo de atividade, a capacidade de ter wikis grupo aberto ou fechado por padrão, a capacidade de os administradores do site para desativar a opção de invisibilidade perfil, a versão atualizada do player de mídia, e baixos queda autocomplete para a localidade de filtragem diretórios e para a inclusão de geo-localização no seu perfil do grupo.
Tags: Stable
This is a small release with some important fixes. An XSS issue in the chat has been fixed. Please upgrade as soon as possible. It has a new way to see user and group activity statistics, the ability to have group wikis open or closed by default, the ability for site admins to disable the profile invisibility option, an updated media player, and autocomplete drop downs for location filtering in directories and for adding geo-locations to your group profile.

Project Resources