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Email Security through Procmail (the Procmail Sanitizer) provides methods to sanitize email, removing obvious exploit attempts and disabling the channels through which exploits are delivered. Facilities for detecting and blocking Trojan Horse exploits and worms are also provided.

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2006-01-12 06:05 Back to release list

A verificação unrar executável foi fixado para não se testar para unrar RAR digitalização já está explicitamente desativado por $ DISABLE_RAR_SCAN. Notificação do destinatário agora funciona quando saneantes em um relé (por exemplo, na frente de um servidor Exchange).
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The unrar executable check was fixed to not test for unrar if RAR scanning is already explicitly disabled by $DISABLE_RAR_SCAN. Recipient notification now works when sanitizing on a relay (e.g. in front of an Exchange server).

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