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Projeto Descrição

GNU Portable Threads (Pth) is a very portable POSIX/ANSI-C based library for Unix platforms providing non-preemptive priority-based scheduling for multiple threads of execution ("multithreading") inside server applications. All threads run in the same address space, but each thread has its own individual program-counter, run-time stack, signal mask and errno variable. The scheduling is done in a cooperative way, i.e. the threads are dispatched based on priority and pending events. The event facility allows threads to wait until various types of events occur, including pending I/O on filedescriptors, elapsed timers, pending I/O on message ports, thread and process termination, and even customized callback functions.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-06-12 22:14

O ambiente de construção tenha sido atualizado de GNU shtool para 2.0.3 e 2.0.6 do GNU libtool 1.5.20 a 1.5.22. Esta versão permite usar AC_CHECK_PTH "PTH-config - libs - tudo" em vez de apenas PTH "-config - libs" que lhe permita trabalhar em plataformas como Solaris, onde bibliotecas adicionais são necessários.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The build environment has been upgraded from GNU shtool 2.0.3 to 2.0.6 and from GNU libtool 1.5.20 to 1.5.22. This release lets AC_CHECK_PTH use "pth-config --libs --all" instead of just "pth-config --libs" to allow it to work under platforms like Solaris where additional libraries are required.

2005-10-07 14:12

O ambiente de compilação foi atualizado para o GNU libtool 1.5.20 e 2.0.3 GNU shtool.
Tags: Minor security fixes
The build environment was upgraded to GNU libtool
1.5.20 and GNU shtool 2.0.3.

2005-03-08 17:38

Interno determinação do número máximo de size_t foi fixada no motor formatador de cadeia. O ambiente de compilação foi atualizado para 1.5.14 GNU libtool. As "definições underquoted" problema no pth.m4 foi corrigido. O sistema de construção já não insiste em escrever para o directório de origem no "make install", a fim de seguir mais de perto as normas da GNU. "*. bak" e "* ~" arquivos são removidos em "fazer distclean" ao invés de "make clean".
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Internal determination of the maximum number in a
size_t was fixed in the string formatter engine.
The build environment was upgraded to GNU libtool
1.5.14. The "underquoted definitions" problem in
pth.m4 was fixed. The build system no longer
insists on writing to the source directory on
"make install" in order to more closely follow GNU
standards. "*.bak" and "*~" files are now removed
under "make distclean" instead of "make clean".

2004-12-04 20:24

O "fazer strip-tease de comando" foi ressuscitado. O pth_uctx_save () e pth_uctx_restore () API funções foram removidos, uma vez que eram discriminadas por design. O pth_mctx_save função interna () foi reforçada se GetContext (3) é usado para a poupança de contexto máquina. Melhor verificação de erros no pth_key_xxx funções () foi adicionado. Um controle PTH_CTRL_FAVOURNEW nova foi adicionada para desativar o favorecimento de novos tópicos da programação.
Tags: Major bugfixes
The "make striptease" command was resurrected. The
pth_uctx_save() and pth_uctx_restore() API
functions were removed, since they were broken by
design. The internal pth_mctx_save() function was
enhanced if getcontext(3) is used for the machine
context saving. Better error checking in
pth_key_xxx() functions was added. A new
PTH_CTRL_FAVOURNEW control was added for disabling
the favouring of new threads on scheduling.

2004-09-12 20:04

"hard invólucros syscall" foram adicionados para enviar (2) e recv (2). Este comunicado internamente manipula erros retornados pth_event (), limpa a fonte C para o GCC 3.5 e m4 para Autoconf 2,59 fonte, evita os efeitos colaterais, definindo _XOPEN_SOURCE apenas temporariamente, corrige o protótipo para pthread_attr_setschedparam (3), e atualiza o ambiente de compilação para o GNU libtool 1.5.8 e 2.0.1 GNU shtool.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
"hard syscall wrappers" have been added for send(2) and recv(2). This release internally handles errors returned from pth_event(), cleans up the C source for GCC 3.5 and m4 source for Autoconf 2.59, avoids side-effects by defining _XOPEN_SOURCE only temporarily, fixes the prototype for pthread_attr_setschedparam(3), and upgrades the build environment to GNU libtool 1.5.8 and GNU shtool 2.0.1.

Project Resources