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Projeto Descrição

Google::Adwords is a collection of Perl modules
that provides an easy-to-use object oriented
interface to the Google Adwords SOAP API. You
don’t need to understand SOAP or Web services to
use it.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-08-23 22:41

Esta versão adiciona suporte para o V12 da API do AdWords. Ele adiciona o Google:: Adwords:: ConversionOptimizerSettings módulo. Campaign.dailyBudget foi substituído. O budgetAmount, budgetPeriod, contentTargeting e métodos conversionOptimizerSettings foram adicionados ao objeto da campanha.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release adds support for v12 of the Adwords API. It adds the Google::Adwords::ConversionOptimizerSettings module. Campaign.dailyBudget has been deprecated. The budgetAmount, budgetPeriod, contentTargeting, and conversionOptimizerSettings methods were added to the Campaign object.

2008-04-02 07:52

Suporte para a versão v11 da API do AdWords foi adicionado. Todos os dados de objeto métodos agora retornar um array ref onde o esperado. SOAP:: Lite 0,66 ou posterior é necessário. Assessor set Chained chamadas agora de trabalho para todos os objetos. Isto irá funcionar apenas para 5,8 perl ou mais tarde. Os módulos de dados necessários são carregados implicitamente nos módulos de Serviço. O assessor shrunkenUrl foi adicionado ao Google:: Adwords:: Image.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Support for version v11 of the Adwords API was
added. All data object methods now return an array
ref where expected. SOAP::Lite 0.66 or later is
required. Chained set accessor calls now work for
all objects. This will only work for perl 5.8 or
later. The required data modules are loaded
implicitly in the Service modules. The shrunkenUrl
accessor was added to Google::Adwords::Image.

2007-09-04 18:57

Suporte para v10 da API do AdWords. Todos os métodos que usam geoTargeting agora usar o Google:: Adwords:: GeoTarget objeto em vez de um hashref. Cinco novos módulos foram adicionados para geoTargeting apoio. AdService.checkAds () foi implementado.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Support for v10 of the Adwords API. All methods that use geoTargeting now use the Google::Adwords::GeoTarget object instead of a hashref. Five new modules have been added for geoTargeting support. AdService.checkAds() has been implemented.

2007-07-10 15:31

Suporte para a versão 9 Adwords API foi adicionada. InPST O parâmetro foi removido AdService.getAdStats (), CampaignService.getCampaignStats (), AdGroupService.getAdGroupStats (), e CriterionService.getCriterionStats (). CreativeService agora está obsoleta; uso AdService vez.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Support for the Adwords API version 9 was added.
The inPST parameter was removed from
AdGroupService.getAdGroupStats(), and
CreativeService is now deprecated; use AdService

2007-04-27 13:29

Um bug para InfoService:: getUnitCountForClients () foi corrigido. A ordem dos parâmetros do método era importante. t / perlcritic.t e t / perlcriticrc foram adicionadas para incluir Perl:: Critic no processo de criação.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
A bug for InfoService::getUnitCountForClients()
was fixed. The order of the method parameters was
important. t/perlcritic.t and t/perlcriticrc were
added to include Perl::Critic in the build

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