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Projeto Descrição

Induction is a request-based Java Web application
framework with support for dynamic application
reloading, type-based dependency injection and
dependency analysis between models, and views and
controllers using popular IDEs.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-11-23 18:13 Back to release list

Injecção da ControllerResolver.Resolution ou ViewResolver.Resolution em um interceptor pedido incorretamente jogou uma exceção se objetos de resolução foram nulos, o que foi corrigido. O código agora lança uma exceção quando é feita uma tentativa para acessar um modelo de escopo de sessão a partir de um contexto em que nenhuma sessão está disponível, já que isso causou um NullPtrEx (na classe ModelPool).
Tags: minor bug fix release
Injecting the ControllerResolver.Resolution or ViewResolver.Resolution in a request interceptor incorrectly threw an exception if resolution objects were null; this has been fixed. The code now throws an exception when an attempt is made to access a session scope model from a context in which no session is available; previously this caused a NullPtrEx (in the ModelPool class).

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