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Projeto Descrição

Moonlight|3D is a modeling and animation tool for three-dimensional art. It currently supports mesh-based modeling. It's a redesign of Moonlight Atelier, formed after Moonlight Atelier/Creator died in 1999/2000. Rendering is done through pluggable backends. It currently supports Sunflow, with support for RenderMan and others in planning.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-10-14 00:20 Back to release list

Uma série de pequenas melhorias foram feitas, mas perceptível. O editor de propriedades agora tem uma história "objeto" de campo, tornando mais fácil para selecionar e editar nós gráfico operador que influenciam o objeto atual. O wireframe de objetos de malha está agora devidamente fechada por padrão, o que melhora a percepção de profundidade tremenda. Outros novos recursos incluem ajuste à grelha, rotação e escala em objetos duplicados, criação de caixas subdivididos e aviões, bem como a capacidade de exportar vários objetos para arquivos Wavefront OBJ. Desempenho em cenas complexas (com milhares de nós operador gráfico) foi melhorado.
A number of small but noticeable improvements were made. The property editor now has an "object history" field, making it easier to select and edit operator graph nodes that influence the current object. The wireframe of mesh objects is now properly occluded by default, which improves depth perception tremendously. Other new features include snap to grid, rotation and scaling in Duplicate Objects, creation of subdivided boxes and planes, and the ability to export multiple objects to Wavefront OBJ files. Performance on complex scenes (with thousands of operator graph nodes) has been improved.

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