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Projeto Descrição

mlocate is a new locate implementation. The "m"
stands for "merging", because updatedb reuses the
existing database to avoid rereading most of the
file system, which makes updatedb faster and does
not trash the system caches as much. The locate(1)
utility is intended to be completely compatible to
slocate. It also attempts to be compatible to GNU
locate, when it does not conflict with slocate

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-03-03 16:14

Nomes de ficheiro de comprimento nulo (um bug kernel) são manipuladas mais graciosamente. PATH_MAX referências foram removidas esperançosamente apoiar Hurd melhor. Pequenos bugs foram corrigidos e traduções foram atualizadas.
Zero-length file names (a kernel bug) are handled more gracefully. PATH_MAX references were removed to hopefully support Hurd better. Minor bugs were fixed and translations were updated.

2011-04-01 05:44

Vincular montagem de detecção foi alterada para funcionar em distribuições que symlink / etc / mtab para / proc / self / mounts. As traduções foram atualizadas.
Bind mount detection was changed to work on distributions that symlink /etc/mtab to /proc/self/mounts. Translations were updated.

2010-09-15 00:25

Algumas traduções foram adicionadas e atualizadas.
A few translations were added and updated.

2010-08-27 07:10

updatedb (8) deixou de ameixas secas sem op-bind mounts (tais como as criadas pelo sandbox SELinux). Algumas traduções foram adicionados ou atualizados.
updatedb(8) no longer prunes no-op bind mounts (such as created by SELinux sandbox). Some translations were added or updated.

2010-03-27 07:01

Um ucraniano tradução já está disponível. Várias traduções foram actualizadas.
A Ukrainian translation is now available. Several translations were updated.

Project Resources