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Projeto Descrição

NRL NORM is an implementation of NACK-Oriented
Reliable Multicast. The NORM protocol is designed
to provide end-to-end reliable transport of bulk
data objects or streams over generic IP multicast
routing and forwarding services. NORM uses a
selective, negative acknowledgement (NACK)
mechanism for transport reliability and offers
additional protocol mechanisms to conduct reliable
multicast sessions with limited "a priori"
coordination among senders and receivers. The
protocol offers a number of features to allow
different types of applications or possibly other
higher level transport protocols to utilize its
service in different ways. The protocol leverages
the use of FEC-based repair and other IETF
reliable multicast transport (RMT) building blocks
in its design.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-11-28 14:23

Várias correções de bugs e limpeza de código foram feitos. Algumas pequenas melhorias foram feitas.
Tags: Major bugfixes
Numerous bugfixes and code cleanups were done.
Some minor enhancements were made.

2007-10-21 17:11

Esta versão corrige uma condição em que os receptores mantido estado de remetentes remotos "preso" com o gabarito CC. Ela corrige um bug que transformou o valor TTL padrão em TOS sob certas condições. NormFile de leitura / gravação é mais persistente. Um bug foi corrigido incorretamente que não relataram nenhum reparo necessário, quando na verdade o último segmento que faltava. Um bug que interferiram com o avanço adequado remetente fluxo em condições de grave foi corrigido. Codecs FEC foram atualizadas para versões atuais. O lowDelay "opção" foi modificado para o uso de receptor silencioso para permitir o controlo da FEC atraso bloco. A "Norma de Pré-Coder" (NPC) utilitário foi adicionado.
Tags: Major bugfixes
This release fixes a condition where receivers kept state for remote senders "stuck" with CC feedback. It fixes a bug that turned the default TTL value into TOS under certain conditions. NormFile read/write is more persistent. A bug has been fixed that incorrectly reported no repair needed when in fact the last segment was missing. A bug that interfered with proper sender stream advancement under severe conditions has been fixed. FEC codecs have been updated to current versions. The "lowDelay" option has been modified for silent receiver use to allow control of FEC block delay. A "Norm Pre-Coder" (NPC) utility has been added.

2006-08-16 00:14

Esta versão corrige dereferencing pointer vários bugs moderada a grave, incluindo a divisão por zero, falhas de afirmação e incorreta. Ele corrige vários bugs menores.
Tags: Major bugfixes
This release fixes several moderate to major bugs, including divide-by-zero, assertion failures, and incorrect pointer dereferencing. It fixes numerous minor bugs.

2006-05-17 06:05

Bugs no NormQuantizeGroupSize () e receptor de congestionamento funções de monitoramento de controle foram corrigidos. NormGetGrtt A () e NormNodeGetGrtt () as funções e as notificações NORM_CC_ACTIVE e NORM_CC_INACTIVE foram adicionados. Bugs no ns-2 de suporte foram corrigidos. Segmentos paridade FEC foram modificados para serem tamanho variável. Notificações Server * foram renomeados para SENDER * para consistancy. Informação incorrecta de Nack / suppresed conta em depurar as estatísticas foram corrigidas. O tempo limite de actividade para o remetente remoto foi corrigido.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Bugs in NormQuantizeGroupSize() and in receiver
congestion control tracking functions were fixed.
The NormGetGrtt() and NormNodeGetGrtt() functions
notifications were added. Bugs in ns-2 support
were fixed. FEC parity segments were modified to
be variable size. SERVER* notifications were
renamed to SENDER* for consistancy. Incorrect
reporting of nack/suppresed counts in debug
statistics were fixed. The activity timeout for
the remote sender was fixed.

2006-04-22 06:56

Esta versão inclui uma implementação da RFC3940 e RFC3941, re-uso pesado de código e as técnicas de MDP, e uma implementação de uma simulação NS-2 do protocolo.
Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement
This release includes an implementation of RFC3940 and RFC3941, heavy re-use of code and techniques from MDP, and an implementation of an NS-2 simulation of the protocol.

Project Resources