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Projeto Descrição

OOoPy is a Python library for modifying documents. It provides a set of
transformations on the OOo XML format using the
ElementTree XML Library. Transformations included
are a mail merge application and the concatenation
of documents with formatting
intact. The framework supports easy creation of
new transformations.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-07-06 23:48 Back to release list

Compressão foi fixada: quando escrever novos arquivos XML, estes seriam armazenados em vez de comprimidos no arquivo Zip OOo, resultando em documentos desnecessariamente grandes. Um aviso de direitos autorais foi adicionado aos utilitários de linha de comando. Mailmerge para OOo 3.X lista foi corrigido.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Compression was fixed: when writing new XML files, these would be stored instead of compressed in the OOo Zip file, resulting in unnecessarily large documents. A copyright notice was added to the command-line utilities. Mailmerge for OOo 3.X lists was fixed.

Project Resources