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Projeto Descrição

OrientDB is a NoSQL DBMS which can store 150,000 documents per second on common hardware. Even with a document-based database, the relationships are managed as in graph databases, with direct connections among records. You can traverse entire or parts of trees and graphs of records in a few milliseconds. It supports schema-less, schema-full, and schema-mixed modes, has a strong security profiling system based on users and roles, and supports SQL between the query languages. Thanks to the SQL layer, it's straightforward to use for people skilled in the relational world.

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2011-08-22 21:20 Back to release list

O novo SQL operador [] foi adicionado para extrair itens de listas, sets, mapas e matrizes. ORDER BY funciona com o apelido de projeção. Cruz árvores e gráficos em projeções. O operador IN usa Index, quando disponível. Todos os bugs conhecidos na recuperação de transações foram corrigidos. O gerenciamento de memória do MVRB-Tree foi reescrito para ser mais rápido e usar muito menos memória RAM. Os módulos do núcleo comum e são compatíveis com Java 5.
The new SQL [] operator was added to extract items from lists, sets, maps, and arrays. ORDER BY works with projection alias. Cross trees and graphs in projections. The IN operator uses Index when available. All known bugs on transaction recovery were fixed. The memory management of MVRB-Tree was rewritten to be faster and to use much less RAM. The common and core modules are compatible with Java 5.

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