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par2ls lists the packets in par2 files, with varying
amounts of detail depending how verbose it is told to
be. It also checks the packet MD5 checksum and warns
of errors.

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2004-06-23 06:34

Esta versão adiciona suporte par1, acrescenta um visor de eficiência, acrescenta um conjunto de testes, já não confia no campo de comprimento, se o MD5 do pacote par2 falhar, CRC32 corrige valores byte não sendo trocados, e agora requer Python 2.3 ou superior.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This version adds par1 support, adds an efficiency display,
adds a test suite, no longer trusts the length field if the par2
packet MD5 fails, fixes CRC32 values not being byte-
swapped, and now requires Python 2.3 or greater.

2003-07-24 11:20

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

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