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Projeto Descrição

RTLab is an RTLinux/RTAI-based data acquisition and control application. It is designed to help experimenters design and implement their hard realtime control experiements using higher abstractions than the services offered by RTAI or RTLinux. It is split into two parts. One is a user-space series of C++ classes (written for Qt) which implement a reference application called DAQSystem which is designed to acquire analog input voltage data and display it on the screen. DAQSystem communicates with rtlab.o, the realtime kernel module which is the second part of RTLab. The rtlab.o realtime kernel part is a kernel module that loads into RTLinux or RTAI and is responsible for driving COMEDI hardware for the purposes of data acquisition and realtime control. The module is extensible and features a 'plugin' architecture so that scientists who are savvy C programmers can easily leverage the existing framework for their own custom experiment logic. Experiment logic is specified by writing a kernel modules that gets called back for each scan rtlab.o acquires from the COMEDI hardware. In addition, data visualization and storage facilities exist in user space so that experimenters can instantly see graphical plots of their analog input data as it comes in from the hardware.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-11-25 23:22

Toda a lógica de mapeamento de canais foi movido para o kernel para fazer plugin escrita muito mais fácil, já que o kernel e agora userspace sempre concordam sobre os números de identificação do canal. Mapeia Canal IDs canal real no cartão de aquisição de dados para qualquer canal arbitrária ID na interface do usuário para que se possa reordenar a numeração dos IDs de canais. Um bug no canal de ação resync DAQSystem que causou a falha em Qt 3.2.x foi corrigido.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
All channel mapping logic has been moved into the kernel to make plugin writing much easier, as the kernel and userspace now always agree on channel ID numbers. Channel mapping maps real channel IDs on the DAQ card to any arbitrary channel ID in the user interface so that one can re-order the numbering of channel IDs. A bug in the resync channel action which caused DAQSystem to crash on Qt 3.2.x has been fixed.

2003-10-01 08:09

Esta versão acrescenta três novos plugins para efectuar algumas experiências de controle simples, faz o ~ / daq_system. Preferências / config.ini file máquina específica (com herdado padrões), de modo que o NIS contas baseado casa não têm arquivos de preferências que cada clobber outro, otimiza a parte do código de gráficos, correções de 3,2 avisos do compilador gcc, acrescenta instalar / desinstalar para fazer sistema, movimenta todos os plugins em um plugins / diretório, e faz a adição de novos plugins mais fácil.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This version adds three new plugins for effecting some
simple control experiments, makes the ~/.daq_system/
config.ini preferences file machine-specific (with
inherited defaults), so that NIS-based home accounts
don't have preferences files that clobber each other,
optimizes some of the graphing code, fixes gcc 3.2
compiler warnings, adds install/uninstall to make system,
moves all the plugins into a plugins/ directory, and
makes adding new plugins easier.

2003-03-04 04:41

A não-Realtime construir e executar a opção foi adicionado, o que significa que DAQSystem pode executar por si só, sem um kernel rtlab.o Realtime módulo de unidade de aquisição de dados. Enquanto isso torna impossível o controle, direto para Aquisição de Dados, é realmente muito bom. Todos aquisição é feita através da ComediCoprocess classe threaded, implementado através de userspace Comedi Comandos. Basicamente, isto significa que você pode executar RTLab sem RTLinux ou RTAI.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
A non-Realtime build and running option was added, which means that DAQSystem can run by itself without a Realtime rtlab.o kernel module to drive data acquisition. While this makes control impossible, for straight Data Acquisition, it is actually quite good. All acquisition is done via the threaded class ComediCoprocess, implemented via userspace COMEDI Commands. Basically, this means you can run RTLab without RTLinux or RTAI.

2003-01-18 04:36

Duas funções exportados foram adicionados ao rtlab.o: rtp_get_callback_frequency rtpp_set_callback_frequency () e () para manipular a freqüência com que os módulos construídos em cima de rtlab executar em. Algumas das mensagens de erro foi fixada para o formato mais limpa. Mais avisos inteligentes foram acrescentados sobre a execução de duas cópias do DAQSystem menos uma vez no mesmo computador.
Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement
Two exported functions were added to rtlab.o: rtpp_set_callback_frequency() and rtp_get_callback_frequency() for manipulating the frequency at which modules built on top of rtlab execute at. Some of the error messaging was fixed to format more cleanly. More intelligent warnings were added about running two copies of DAQSystem at once on the same computer.

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