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Projeto Descrição

Socat is a relay for bidirectional data transfer between two independent data channels. Each of these data channels may be a file, pipe, device (terminal or modem, etc.), socket (Unix, IP4, IP6 - raw, UDP, TCP), SSL, a client for SOCKS4, or proxy CONNECT. It supports broadcasts and multicasts, abstract Unix sockets, Linux tun/tap, GNU readline, and PTYs. It provides forking, logging, and dumping and different modes for interprocess communication. Many options are available for tuning socat and its channels. Socat can be used, for example, as a TCP relay (one-shot or daemon), as a daemon-based socksifier, as a shell interface to Unix sockets, as an IP6 relay, or for redirecting TCP-oriented programs to a serial line.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-04-03 06:35

Esta versão oferece algumas opções de novo endereço para melhor controlar seu comportamento de encerramento.
This version provides a few new address options to better control its closing behavior.

2009-04-02 09:37

Esta versão corrige alguns bugs: um SIGSEGV possível ouvir os endereços, as conexões do cliente com a opção de conectar-timeout falhou quando as conexões bem-sucedida, a opção de-final próximo "não se aplica" para alguns endereços, e perto de metade dos EXEC e endereços SISTEMA pode ter falhado para tubos e socketpair.
Tags: version1 fixes
This release fixes a few bugs: a possible SIGSEGV in listening addresses, client connections with option connect-timeout failed when the connections succeeded, the option end-close "did not apply" to some addresses, and a half close of EXEC and SYSTEM addresses might have failed for pipes and socketpair.

2008-11-02 11:32

As principais melhorias são chamados endereço concatenar cadeias que aborda simples. Endereço cadeias são semelhantes aos tubos de comando shell, mas o trabalho bidirecional.
Tags: Beta, Major feature enhancements
The main enhancements are so-called address chains that concatenate simple addresses. Address chains are similar to command shell pipes, but work bidirectionally.

2008-10-16 08:40

Esta versão traz suporte para sockets stream SCTP, interface de matérias-primas e soquetes genéricos. Um escape nova opção que lhe permite interromper as conexões terminais primas. Ouvindo e recebimento de sockets pode definir um par de variáveis de ambiente. Base de Dados de controle do System V STREAMS foi adicionado. Muitas correções foram realizadas. socat compila no Mac OS X novamente.
Tags: Stable, Major feature enhancements
This release brings support for SCTP stream sockets, raw interface, and generic sockets. A new option escape allows it to interrupt raw terminal connections. Listening and receiving sockets can set a couple of environment variables. Base control of System V STREAMS has been added. Many corrections were performed. socat compiles on Mac OS X again.

2008-02-10 02:55

Esta versão corrige muitos bugs com os processos de zumbis, a resolução de nomes de serviço, os números mais altos FD, e muito mais.
Tags: Stable, Major bugfixes
This release fixes lots of bugs with zombie
processes, service name resolution, higher FD
numbers, and more.

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