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Projeto Descrição

Spamato is an extensible spam filter system. It is available as an add-on for Outlook, an extension for Thunderbird and Mozilla Mail, and a stand-alone proxy component. It provides a Bayesian filter, a rule-based filter, a Java implementation of Razor (Ephemeral and Whiplash), a filter that queries domains on Google, a collaborative domain, and a collaborative hash-based filter. Graphical statistics explain the efficiency of each filter as well as the overall effectiveness of the whole system.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-01-08 02:57

Vários erros foram corrigidos e inconvenientes. Por exemplo, o "Move & Duplicação" bug no Spamato4Thunderbird, o ". NET 2.0 bug" no Spamato4Outlook, e os problemas do Gmail e conta POP no Spamatoxy foram corrigidos.
Tags: Major bugfixes
Several bugs and inconveniences were fixed. For instance, the "Move & Duplication" bug in Spamato4Thunderbird, the ".NET 2.0" bug in Spamato4Outlook, and the Gmail and POP account problems in Spamatoxy have been fixed.

2006-06-12 19:44

Esta versão adiciona um novo filtro colaborativo "COMHA 'beta (). As regras Ruleminator são tratadas como "primeira classe" filtros; a regra de remetentes conhecidos é mais poderoso. A Base mostra algumas informações sobre quais mensagens estão sendo filtradas. The History Filter fornece uma pesquisa básica "para filtrar os resultados. Algumas atualizações foram feitas para Spamato4Outlook, Spamato4Thunderbird e Spamatoxy. Várias correções de bugs e melhorias "sob a capa" têm sido implementadas. O projeto tem migrado para novos servidores.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release adds a new collaborative filter 'Comha' (beta). The Ruleminator rules are now handled as 'first-class' filters; the known-senders rule is more powerful. The Base shows some information about which messages are being filtered. The Filter History provides a basic 'search' for filter results. Some updates have been made for Spamato4Outlook, Spamato4Thunderbird, and Spamatoxy. Several bugfixes and improvements 'under the hood' have been implemented. The project has migrated to new servers.

2006-02-17 16:25

Tags: Minor feature enhancements

2006-01-08 15:07

Esta versão manchete integração Thunderbird costura, um redesenho completo do processo de filtragem que aumentou drasticamente a velocidade de filtragem, um visualizador de melhor resultado que mostra mais detalhes sobre por que uma mensagem foi filtrada (ou não), e parcialmente um projeto novo. Spamato4Outlook agora verifica-mails recebidos, mesmo quando mais de 16 e-mails chegam, ignorando um bug do Outlook desagradável.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release featured seamless Thunderbird integration, a complete redesign of the filtering process that drastically increased filtering speed, an improved result viewer that shows more details about why a message was filtered (or not), and a partially new design. Spamato4Outlook now checks incoming emails even when more than 16 emails arrive, bypassing a nasty Outlook bug.

2005-08-05 21:47

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

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