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Projeto Descrição

TbsZip is a PHP class that enables you to read and write Zip archives. The class doesn't require PHP extensions or temporary files. TbsZip can read, add, delete, and modify files stored in an archive. It can even start with an empty archive. The original archive is not modified. The new archive can be saved in the server as a new file, or provided directly as an HTTP download, or even as a binary string. If the Zlib extension is activated in PHP, then TbsZip can automatically compress and uncompress files in the archive.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-02-16 07:06

1 bug foi corrigido: o método FileCancelModif() não cancelar adicionado arquivos.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
1 bug has been fixed: the method FileCancelModif() doesn't cancel added files.

2011-08-23 11:58

Três pequenos bugs foram corrigidos, e mensagens aviso PHP eram fixas.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Three minor bugs were fixed, and PHP notice messages were fixed.

2011-06-09 03:54

Um bug foi corrigido: um aviso do PHP que lê, "Aviso: fclose (): 10 não é um recurso válido stream", pode acontecer ao fechar um arquivo duas vezes.
Tags: bugfix
One bug was fixed: a PHP warning that reads, "Warning: fclose(): 10 is not a valid stream resource," may happen when closing an archive twice.

2011-06-08 08:42

Um erro de PHP "o argumento fornecido não é um recurso válido stream" ou "propriedade indefinido: clsOpenTBS: $ OutputHandle" pode ter acontecido quando utilizar flush (). Isso foi corrigido.
Tags: bugfix
A PHP error "supplied argument is not a valid stream resource" or "Undefined property: clsOpenTBS::$OutputHandle" may have happened when using Flush(). This has been fixed.

2011-06-07 09:30

Esta versão traz um acessório de menor importância: ele gera um erro TbsZip se Flush () tenta substituir um arquivo bloqueado. Um pequeno bug foi corrigido: estrita compatibilidade com o PHP 5 (nenhum aviso PHP com o relatório de erros E_STRICT).
Tags: Minor bugfixes, Minor enhancement
This version brings a minor enhancement: it raises a TbsZip error if Flush() attempts to overwrite a locked file. A minor bug has been fixed: strict compatibility with PHP 5 (no PHP warning with error reporting E_STRICT).

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