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Projeto Descrição

Tine 2.0 is a Web-based groupware solution that focuses on usability and correctness. To achieve these goals, the project uses usability experts and covers most of the code by unit tests. It contains support for contacts, tasks, calendar, email, CRM, VoIP integration, a time tracker, ActiveSync, and a flexible rights management system.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2013-01-17 08:53 Back to release list
Joey (2012.10) Build 3

Este é o segundo lançamento de serviço da versão estável atual, Joey (2.012,10).

33 bugs foram corrigidos e um novo recurso foi incluído: agora é possível configurar o número máximo de falhas de logon antes de uma conta é bloqueada.
Tags: Major bugfixes, Stable
This is the second service release of the current stable version, Joey (2012.10).

33 bugs have been fixed,
and a new feature was included: It is now possible to configure the
maximum number of login failures before an account is blocked.

Project Resources