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Projeto Descrição

TRE is a lightweight, robust, efficient, portable, and POSIX compliant regexp matching library. Key features include the agrep command line tool for approximate regexp matching in the style of grep, an approximate matching library API, portability, wide character and multibyte character support, binary pattern and data support, complete thread safety, consistently efficient matching, low memory consumption and small footprint, and strict standards conformance.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-11-28 17:56

A TRE_ prefixo foi adicionado a todas as funções exportadas libtre. Isso muda a interface binária (ABI). A interface de origem antiga (API) ainda está disponível em <tre/regex.h> . Novo código deve usar <tre/tre.h> , Que exporta as funções que tem o prefixo. Visual C + + 6 arquivos do projeto foram substituídos com o Visual Studio 2008 ficheiros. Bugs foram corrigidos.
Tags: Stable
A tre_ prefix was added to all functions exported from libtre. This changes the binary interface (ABI). The old source interface (API) is still available in <tre/regex.h>. New code should use <tre/tre.h>, which exports functions that have the prefix. Visual C++ 6 project files were replaced with Visual Studio 2008 files. Bugs were fixed.

2009-05-24 06:40

A licença foi alterada de LGPL para um 2-cláusula licença BSD.
The license has been changed from LGPL to a 2-clause BSD-style license.

2006-12-10 13:17

Um sueco tradução foi adicionada. Documentation foi atualizado. A opção-q linha de comando foi adicionado. Uma série de bugs foram corrigidos.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
A Swedish translation has been added.
Documentation has been updated. The -q command
line option has been added. A number of bugs have
been fixed.

2006-05-22 10:31

O código base foi fixada para compilar limpa no x86_64 e outras plataformas de 64 bits. Relataram problemas no Cygwin e MinGW foram corrigidos. Vários outros bugs foram corrigidos.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The codebase has been fixed to compile cleanly on
x86_64 and other 64-bit platforms. Reported
problems on Cygwin and MinGW have been fixed.
Several other bugs have been fixed.

2006-04-02 17:04

A licença foi alterada de LGPL para GPL. O "- show-position" opção de linha de comando foi adicionado ao agrep. A bandeira compilação REG_UNGREEDY eo "U modificador padrão" foram adicionados. Alguns bugs foram corrigidos.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
The license has been changed from GPL to LGPL. The
"--show-position" command line option has been
added to agrep. The REG_UNGREEDY compilation flag
and the "U" pattern modifier have been added. Some
bugs have been fixed.

Project Resources