[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - tut-gtk2-treev-addrnhs

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2012年 10月 1日 (月) 07:02:49 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-gtk2-treev-addrnhs
@@ -629,9 +629,16 @@
+:Tree view removal issues:
+    Beside simple single level row removal, we also have to be aware of rows with children and perhaps whole hierarchy of children. We have already mentioned on previous pages, that if you remove a parent row that has a hierarchy of children, it too will be removed, i.e. removing a parent that has children, and grand children, all these descendants, as well as any of their descendants will also be removed. Normally, you will not have to wary about rows that have children, however if you have created some dependencies between the rows such as running totals this may become an issue. Shortly we will see the example where such relationships exist in the form of running totals. 
-Now it is time to address the issues, mentioned in two places first when introducing the first version of 'treev-MultiDim-load-asci-table.rb' program example under the title ((<"Tedious Job of Loading Multidimensional Tree Store:"|tut-gtk2-treev-trees#Tedious Job of Loading Multidimensional Tree Store>)), and second in '((<"Imaginary, invisible root node"|tut-gtk2-treev-rr#Imaginary, invisible root node:>))':
+Finally, lets address the issue, mentioned in two places first when introducing the first version of 'treev-MultiDim-load-asci-table.rb' program example under the title ((<"Tedious Job of Loading Multidimensional Tree Store:"|tut-gtk2-treev-trees#Tedious Job of Loading Multidimensional Tree Store>)), and second in the segment called '((<"Imaginary, invisible root node"|tut-gtk2-treev-rr#Imaginary, invisible root node:>))':
 #### path = /(.+)(:\d+)/ =~ path ? $1 : $2  #### BUG? Gtk::TreePath#up! <<< doesn't work

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