Simple Project List Software Map

548 projects in result set
Última Atualização: 2006-02-11 10:32


SMB for FUSE is a Network Neighborhood (Samba
shares) filesystem. It works like smbfs, but
instead of accessing one share at a time, all
computers and workgroups are accessible at once
from a single filesystem mount, making network
browsing just as easy as it is on Windows.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2003-10-27 11:58


scponly is an alternative "shell" of sorts for system administrators who would like to provide access to remote users to both read and write local files without providing any remote execution priviledges. Functionally, it is a wrapper around the ssh suite of applications. It is typically used by creating a user whose shell is set to scponly. This user can neither login interactively nor execute commands remotely, but it can use scp and sftp to download and upload files to the computer, governed by the usual Unix file permissions.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2006-01-08 19:21


KDirStat (KDE Directory Statistics) is a small utility program that sums up disk usage for direcory trees, very much like the Unix 'du' command. It displays the disk space used up by a directory tree, both numerically and graphically. It is network transparent (i.e., you can use it to sum up FTP servers), and comes with predefined and user configurable cleanup actions. You can directly open a directory branch in Konqueror or the shell of your choice, compress it to a .tar.bz2 archive, or define your own cleanup actions.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2005-03-03 21:15


The fdutils package contains utilities for configuring and debugging the Linux floppy driver, for formatting extra capacity disks (up to 1992K on a high density disk), and for sending raw commands to the floppy controller.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2007-05-21 07:38


iogen is an I/O generator. It forks child
processes that each run a mix of reads and writes.
The idea is to generate heavily fragmented files
to make the hardware suffer as much as possible.
This tool has been used to test filesystems,
drivers, firmware, and hardware devices. It is by
no means meant as a performance measuring tool
since it tries to recreate the worst case scenario

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2001-11-26 10:23


ClusterNFS is a set of patches for the "Universal NFS Daemon" (UNFSD) to allow multiple clients to nfs mount the same root filesystem by providing "tagged" filenames. When a client requests the file "/path/filename", the ClusterNFS server checks for the existence of files of the form "/path/filename$$TAG=value$$". If such a file exists and the client has a matching value for KEY, this file is returned. If the client does not have a matching value or no such file exists, the file request proceeds as normal. Currently supported keys include HOST (hostname), IP (IP number), CLIENT (matches any nfs client) and CREATE (for "tagged" creation of files).

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2006-08-16 17:55

libsqlfs embedded file system library

Libsqlfs is a library used in conjunction with
SQLite that allows applications to put an entire
read/write file system into a relational database
as a single file in the host filesystem. Such a
filesystem-in-a-file can easily be moved around,
backed up, or restored as a single file. The
filesystem can also be accessed as individual
files through FUSE (File System in User Space).
This provides great flexibility and convenience.
File system accesses can be batched into atomic
transactions (either all the updates are done, or
none of them are). Libsqlfs was created as part of
the "ACCESS Linux Platform", and it will be useful
in many other applications.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2005-12-25 05:31


PAUD (Parted And Utilities Disk) is a floppy disk image that contains system utilities, such as fdisk, mc (midnight commander), parted, ntfsresize, and more. It is good for rescue/administration purposes and transferring files from one filesystem to another for Windows users.

Última Atualização: 2012-07-28 23:51

Parallel Virtual File System

The Parallel Virtual File System is a user-space
parallel file system for use on clusters of PCs
(and Beowulfs in particular). It provides
transparent file striping across multiple machines
and includes a loadable kernel module for use with
existing binaries. TCP/IP is used for data
transmission, and file data is stored on existing
file systems on each machine.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2007-04-20 10:34


genext2fs generates an ext2 filesystem as a normal
(non-root) user. It does not require you to mount
the image file to copy files on it, nor does it
require that you become the superuser to make
device nodes.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2012-05-03 21:10

jsp File Browser

jsp File Browser is an easy to use and install
file browser in a Java server page. It allows
remote Web-based file access and manipulation,
and supports uploading, copying, moving,
deleting, unpacking, showing, and editing files
on the server. You can also download groups of
files and folders as a single zip file that is
created on the fly.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2005-07-22 23:44

Linux trustees

The main goal of the Linux Trustees project is to create an advanced permission management system for Linux. The solution proposed is mainly inspired by the approach taken by Novell Netware and the Java security API. Special objects (called trustees) can be bound to every file or directory. The trustee object can be used to ensure that access to a file, directory, or directory with subdirectories is granted (or denied) to a certain user or group (or all except user or group). Trustees are like POSIX ACLs, but trustee objects can affect entire subdirectory trees, while ACLs a single file. Trustees works with the 2.6 Linux kernel.

Última Atualização: 2004-08-08 07:46

distributed replicated blob server

This software is a distributed replicated blob
server. It is inspired by the google file system
paper found at
It stores your blobs (files) on a given number of
your servers.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2012-04-06 13:29

gET iT i sAY

giis (gET iT i sAY) is a file recovery tool for Ext2/Ext3 filesystems.
Once installed, current files and newly created files can be recovered.
It allows users to recover all deleted files, recover files owned by a
specific user, dump data from old file locations, and recover files of a
specific type, such as text or PNG. A forensic analyzer is also provided
to assist users during recovery.

(Machine Translation)
Sistema Operacional: Linux
Linguagem de Programação: C
Última Atualização: 2010-07-06 12:39


UnusedPkg is a diagnostic tool to search the
oldest unused packages in your Linux system.
UnusedPkg prints a sorted list with the size and
number of days that a package has been idle. This
helps you determine what packages can be manually
removed to clean the system. It supports any
apt-based distribution (tested on Debian and
Ubuntu) and Slackware.

(Machine Translation)