Simple Project List Software Map

MIT/X Consortium License
2381 projects in result set


Advanced Options in Tables and Universal Scripting:

This is a Fortran wrapper library around the Lua ( C-API which allows its usage as configuration files in Fortran applications. It aims for convenient usage on the Fortran to this end.

Desenvolvimento Estado: 6 - Mature
Destinado Audiência: Developers
Linguagem Natural: English
Sistema Operacional: POSIX (Linux,BSD,Solaris etc..)
Linguagem de Programação: Fortran
Interface de Usuário: Textual
Register Date: 2019-08-21 00:51

Zombie process generator


Register Date: 2008-11-21 18:46


Please note: we have decided to move the repositories over to github. Please see

APES is a simulation suite for highly resolved physical simulations (mainly fluid dynamics) on massively parallel computing systems. It is based on octree meshes and their partitioning with a space-filling curve for distributed execution with the Message Passing Interface (MPI).

The suite covers all necessary tools from mesh generation (seeder) to post-processing (harvesting) and includes a Discontinuous Galerkin (ateles) and a Lattice-Boltzmann (musubi) solver within in this infrastructure. APES is available as open-source but there are various open-source licenses involved for different parts of the code. A large fraction is released under the terms of the ISC license.

The APES solvers have shown good scalability on hundreds of thousands of cores and runs on a wide range of different architectures from IBMs BlueGene to NEC SX vector systems.

The core library treelm is released under the two-clause BSD-license. The Aotus library, which is used for the user interface of the tools in the APES suite is released under the terms of the MIT license, and third party code included for convenience includes: GPL for coco, which is small program used for preprocessing the Fortran source code, BSD for waf that is used as a build tool, a modified BSD for extractions of LAPACK code, a custom license by Reiji Suda for FXTPACK, which states the following:

Anyone can use FXTPACK in any software, and anyone can modify the
source files.

When you publish your software that uses FXTPACK or its modification,
please mention that FXTPACK developed by Reiji Suda is used, in the

When you publish your paper of your research that uses FXTPACK,
please refer the paper [R. Suda, M. Takami, "A Fast Spherical Harmonics
Transform Algorithm", Math. Comp., 71-238, Apr. 2002, pp.703--715]
(and [R. SUda, "Fast Spherical Harmonic Transform Algorithm based on·
Generalized Fast Multiple Method", RIMS Kokyuroku vol 1606,
pp. 18-29, Jun. 2008, RIMS, Kyoto University]).

FXTPACK is only used as an optional feature in polynomial handling for the discontinuous Galerkin solver, another alternative is offered by the FFTW, but that library is not included in the source distribution.

Última Atualização: 2005-10-31 22:03



Desenvolvimento Estado: 1 - Planning
Linguagem Natural: Japanese
Sistema Operacional: Windows 95/98/ME
Linguagem de Programação: Other
Tópico: Graphics
Interface de Usuário: Win32 (MS Windows)
Register Date: 2005-10-20 22:55
Última Atualização: 2015-11-22 15:54



Desenvolvimento Estado: 5 - Production/Stable
Linguagem Natural: Japanese
Sistema Operacional: Windows
Linguagem de Programação: Other
Tópico: Communications
Interface de Usuário: Graphical
Register Date: 2015-11-22 11:09


このプロジェクトは、日本の研究者や学生向けの中国学述語変換辞書の開発・配布を目的とします。これにより、主要日本語入力システム(MS-IME・ATOK・EGBridge・ことえり・SKK など)のデフォルト設定では入力に多大な時間を要する、前近代中国の古典文学・歴史・思想の各分野の語彙や漢字の入力が劇的に容易になります。なかでも、単漢字辞書は Unicode 4.1 相当の CJK 漢字、約70,000字あまりをサポートします。

Desenvolvimento Estado: 1 - Planning
Linguagem Natural: Japanese
Sistema Operacional: MacOS, Linux, Windows NT/2000
Interface de Usuário: Other Environment
Register Date: 2006-08-11 04:19



Desenvolvimento Estado: 4 - Beta
Linguagem Natural: Japanese
Sistema Operacional: Linux
Linguagem de Programação: Ruby
Tópico: Dynamic Content
Interface de Usuário: Web Environment
Register Date: 2015-03-02 22:02
Última Atualização: 2011-06-07 13:06

ViVi version 5.0 Free

ViViの定義は、ユーザを魔法少女・魔法少年にする こと。目標は、ユーザの知的生産性を上げ開発を加速すること。

Qt によるテキストエディタ ViVi version 5.0 Free 版
※ 無料 & オープンソースなのはこの版のみで、次版(5.1 or 6.0)では有料となります。

ViVi 5.0 は vi コマンドをサポートする Win/Mac/Linux 用テキストエディタです。
Ctrl + V など、vi コマンドと Windows キーバインドが競合する場合は Windows キーバインドを優先していますので、 vi コマンドに慣れていない人でも簡単に使用を開始し、徐々に vi コマンドに慣れて行くことができます。

Desenvolvimento Estado: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Linguagem Natural: English, Japanese
Sistema Operacional: MacOSX, Linux, Windows
Linguagem de Programação: C++
Tópico: Vi/Vim
Interface de Usuário: Graphical, Qt
Register Date: 2011-04-02 14:19
Última Atualização: 2007-05-26 21:18


ナショナルインスツルメンツ製 CAN インターフェースで、バス監視するソフトウェアを開発するプロジェクトです。

Desenvolvimento Estado: 4 - Beta
Destinado Audiência: End Users/Desktop
Linguagem Natural: Japanese
Sistema Operacional: Windows NT/2000
Linguagem de Programação: Other
Tópico: Communications, Other
Interface de Usuário: Win32 (MS Windows)
Register Date: 2007-05-15 16:14

Infant AI

Free Java Library for Web Crawling, Machine Learning, AI, and NLP.

Register Date: 2020-10-26 03:30

The Classic RELOAD Editor 日本語化


Register Date: 2009-03-08 14:37


Version-agnostic high-performance archlinux userland integration for Windows. alwsl is an easy to use management utility that installs an archlinux userland for various Windows versions.

Register Date: 2016-10-27 22:39



Register Date: 2014-10-26 19:21
Última Atualização: 2011-03-28 08:40


implementation of vi editor (nvi commands + ViVi key-bindings), powered by Qt

qvi runs on Windows/Mac/Linux.

Desenvolvimento Estado: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Linguagem Natural: English, Japanese
Sistema Operacional: MacOS, Linux, Windows
Linguagem de Programação: C++
Tópico: Vi/Vim
Interface de Usuário: Qt
Register Date: 2011-02-21 11:11
Última Atualização: 2021-04-18 15:20


A simple image viewer based on Electron and Leaflet.js

Desenvolvimento Estado: 5 - Production/Stable
Linguagem Natural: English, Japanese
Sistema Operacional: MacOS, Windows
Linguagem de Programação: JavaScript
Tópico: Viewers
Interface de Usuário: Graphical
Register Date: 2021-04-18 15:10