Simple Project List Software Map

125 projects in result set
Última Atualização: 2007-03-24 11:17

TortoiseCVS Windows Installer

MSI (Windows インストーラー) パッケージの TortoiseCVS とそれらの作成に使用 XML スクリプト。グループ ポリシーと管理者特権のないユーザーによるインストールをプッシュする必要がある NT システム管理者にとって役に立つ。

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2001-10-12 04:11


cvsroot is a script to help keep track of multiple
sites when using CVS, and in particular the
CVSROOT and CVS_RSH environment variables for
those sites. It creates a $HOME/.cvsroot file,
with shortcut names representing the different
CVS sites. The new environment variables
appropriate to the site selected will then be
set, and a new shell will be spawned to keep the
variables. In this way, you do not have to keep
setting the environment yourself, and can rely on
the script to keep track of things for you.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2006-07-09 02:38

Patch Maker

Patch Maker helps you manage multiple simultaneous
in-progress source code patches to software. It
remembers which files are part of which patch, and
keeps them disentangled during the development
process. It speeds up common operations and
housekeeping tasks, allowing you to focus on
writing code.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2003-05-31 00:03


!ExpLab は、実行されて、ドキュメントおよび計算機実験の評価をサポートしているツールのセットです。

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2006-06-10 22:17

CVS Access Control List Extension

CVSACL は CVS のパッチです。アクセス コントロール リストの管理用の cvs (acl & racl) 2 つの新しいサブコマンドが追加されます。高度な ACL 定義ごとのモジュール、ディレクトリ、およびすべての cvs サブコマンドのブランチ/タグのファイルを提供しています。

(Machine Translation)
Desenvolvimento Estado: 4 - Beta, 5 - Production/Stable
Destinado Audiência: Developers, Information Technology
Linguagem Natural: English
Sistema Operacional: POSIX (Linux,BSD,Solaris etc..)
Linguagem de Programação: C
Tópico:, CVS
Última Atualização: 2006-06-27 21:59


cvsdadm is a tool to assist CVSd administrators in the user
admin of the CVSROOT/passwd, CVSROOT/readers,
CVSROOT/writers files when pserver authentication is being
used for the repository. Cvsdadm is a fork of cvspadm.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2007-01-15 09:47

MacCVS Pro

MacCVS Pro は、ネットス ケープ社で開発された最初の Mac OS のための完全に無料の CVS クライアントです。様々 な客室本物マルチ スレッド CVS 操作、bootay キック、直感的なユーザー インターフェイス。

(Machine Translation)
Desenvolvimento Estado: 5 - Production/Stable
Linguagem Natural: English
Linguagem de Programação: C, C++
Tópico:, CVS
Última Atualização: 2006-10-10 00:56


Antmod is a build management, release
management, and repository management
tool. Its implementation is an Ant-based
extensible engine for retrieving, versioning,
building, and deploying code to and from
Subversion or CVS. It standardizes build files
for Java projects and provides build plugins for
various tasks. It also standardizes tagging
and branching for both CVS and Subversion,
and its module and repository management
can also be used for non-Java projects. It
greatly speeds up Java software
development, promotes reuse of Java
software, and standardizes the build-test-
release cycle.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2001-02-02 02:49


The FILTR (File Inventory for Loading, Transfer,
and Recovery) automates CVS functions for personal
use, allowing a user to maintain a watch on any
directory, mirroring it in an intermediate working
directory and taking care of all import, add,
delete, and update calls to the CVS repository.
No changes or additions are made to the directory
under watch. The user can revert a watched
directory to any previous saved state with a
button click, or call up one or several past
versions of a file. Groups can also make use of
the same repository for file sharing.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2001-04-23 13:32


Pharmacy is a GNOME-compliant front end for CVS (Concurrent Versions System).
The software is still in an alpha stage, but it provides at least some kind of
GNOME-based front end for CVS.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2002-07-04 10:14

Code Librarian

Code Librarian is a Web frontend to CVS repositories, conceptually a merge of Bonsai and ViewCVS/cvsweb. It allows browsing recent commits to the repositories monitored by date as well as browsing the repository by path as a tree of files and their revisions. Colored unidiffs are shown in popup layers one click away from any browse view, and the interface tries to be both clean and powerful, without scaring away the novice user.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2004-09-25 07:08


lalaCVSMail is a notification tool which sends mail after a
CVS commit has completed with information relating to the
commit. It accesses the raw CVS file instead of working with
temporary files or secondary CVS operations.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2002-01-09 17:20


cvschk is a Perl program which checks the status of CVS-controlled files and gives an ASCII table sorted by the status of the files. cvschk is intended for off-line operation where the CVS repository is not available.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2002-01-23 12:43


cvssh is a solution for securing a CVS pserver. The CVS pserver option is a
useful but insecure tool for managing CVS repositories. Most approaches to
securing CVS either involve ssh tunneling or avoidance of pserver altogether.
The cvssh program offers a third alternative, which combines the simplicity of
ext on the client with the flexibility of a pserver-based repository.

(Machine Translation)
Última Atualização: 2007-12-09 18:03

Ada Class Library

Ada Class Library - オブジェクト指向のAda ライブラリです。 文字列検索と置換。 スクリプティング(小さなツールプログラム) CGIスクリプト。 外部プログラムの実行(入出力のリダイレクションを含みます)。 ガベージコレクション。 拡張された Booch コンポーネント。 CD-Recorder。