Pastebin: 各種アプリケーション最新版ダウンロード・検証(端末から)

Post date
2019-07-29 17:46
Publication Period
  1. # Mozilla Firefox
  2. V=$(curl -L '' -s |
  3. sed -n -e 's/.*<a[^>]*>\([[:digit:]][[:digit:].]*\)\/<\/a>.*/\1/1p' |
  4. sort -n -t '.' | tail -n 1)
  5. wget ''$V'/linux-'$(arch)'/ja/firefox-'$V'.tar.bz2'
  6. # GNU Icecat
  7. V=$(curl -L '' -s |
  8. sed -n -e 's/.*<a[^>]*>\([[:digit:]][[:digit:].]*\)\/<\/a>.*/\1/1p' |
  9. sort -n -t '.' | tail -n 1)
  10. wget ''$V'/icecat-'$V'.en-US.gnulinux-'$(arch)'.tar.bz2'
  11. wget ''$V'/icecat-'$V'.en-US.gnulinux-'$(arch)'.tar.bz2.sig'
  12. wget ''$V'/langpacks/icecat-'$V'.ja.langpack.xpi'
  13. wget ''$V'/langpacks/icecat-'$V'.ja.langpack.xpi.sig'
  14. gpg --list-packets ./icecat-$V.en-US.gnulinux-$(arch).tar.bz2.sig
  15. gpg --keyserver '' --receive-keys {{KEY_ID}}
  16. gpg --verify ./icecat-$V.en-US.gnulinux-$(arch).tar.bz2.sig ./icecat-$V.en-US.gnulinux-$(arch).tar.bz2
  17. gpg --list-packets ./icecat-$V.ja.langpack.xpi.sig
  18. gpg --keyserver '' --receive-keys {{KEY_ID}}
  19. gpg --verify ./icecat-$V.ja.langpack.xpi.sig ./icecat-$V.ja.langpack.xpi
  20. # <about:config> “intl.locale.requested”←“ja”
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