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Rev. Hora Autor
b8b2dc0 jb-x86 2013-12-22 08:30:38 Kyle Evans

fix copy-paste error when moving from init.rc to init.sh

643c1ad 2013-12-20 08:16:45 Kyle Evans

Add support for the tx2500

1787173 2013-11-11 02:03:56 Chih-Wei Huang

init.x86.rc: disable from dropping frames

A workaround for h.265 slowness.

d63f9ad 2013-11-11 01:35:23 Chih-Wei Huang

android_x86: update media_codecs.xml for the latest stagefright-plugins

cb7d7b8 2013-10-18 10:49:55 Masaki Muranaka

Remove OMX.Intel.VideoEncoder.AVC as it is not included in Android-x86 repo.

7a7d4f5 2013-09-26 11:38:38 Masaki Muranaka

Use tablet-10in-xhdpi-2048-dalvik-heap.mk for dalvik parameters instead of tablet-7in-hdpi-1024-dalvik-heap.mk

c0b6b42 2013-09-25 21:46:17 Chih-Wei Huang

android_x86: enable embedded Superuser

461beaa 2013-09-25 21:40:35 Chih-Wei Huang

android_x86: change to use AudioPackage6 sound files

OriginalAudio.mk missed some files needed by the current framework.

21bd2ea 2013-09-13 12:18:14 Masaki Muranaka

wpa_suppilcant: Remove debug option.

Execute "wpa_cli log_level DEBUG" on your command line shell if you want to get debug logs.

4d19e17 2013-09-09 16:22:36 Terry M. Poulin

Fix some GPS-related app incompatibilities.

device.mk copies over android.hardware.location.gps.xml file but unlike
e.g. on my Android phone, this file does not include the
android.hardware.location.network feature. Which blocks the installation
of some applications from app stores that filter (e.g. Google Play).

By copying over android.hardware.location.xml we gain the network
location feature <android.hardware.location.network>. This fixes some
apps marked incompatabile in app stores over the permission; such as
Evernote and Google Maps.

27db815 2013-09-09 16:22:25 Chih-Wei Huang

init.x86.rc: disable red frame boarder in eng build

Suggested by rbg.tabletsx86@comcast.net.

6c8bfc8 2013-08-30 13:48:41 Chih-Wei Huang

android_x86: update media_codecs.xml to support ffmpeg plugins

4c3864a 2013-07-26 05:37:24 Chih-Wei Huang

android_x86: 20130725 release

Based on Android 4.3 (JB-MR2).

cf93567 2013-02-28 05:40:59 Chih-Wei Huang

android_x86: 20130228 release

5ee865a 2013-01-21 19:01:33 Chih-Wei Huang

add android_x86 configuration

ae8e76c 2012-08-24 03:07:59 Keun young Park

disable lockscreen by default

- As dummy android.policy will not support lock screen properly

Change-Id: I56142a1f1542b1a4b0af11a47ae64267c3e10b0c

f4d5583 2012-08-23 05:53:54 Keun young Park

define BOARD_USE_LEGACY_UI for PDK build

- coresponding Android.mk will be changed later to use legacy UI when
this is set true.

Change-Id: I919564d50158b2836d1a2597aafb446485b88cab

eb85364 2012-08-21 01:47:03 Wink Saville

Add support for per device bluetooth configuration.

Bug: 6837125
Change-Id: Idceb93d1ded70599e3234a3f7d1a7e5578d7bcad

e7e80f7 2012-08-15 08:50:50 Keun young Park

enable OPENGL_RENDERER by default

- Some JNI under frameworks/base should be built to support this to
support this feature in PDK fusion build

Bug: 6985535
Change-Id: I3308aae81d044c9ec12ff2e0d1babdb6d3a14b27

11c90e9 2012-08-09 05:20:17 Keun young Park

add mini_x86 configuration for PDK

- For x86 PDK release from jb-mr1

Change-Id: I78ec0d7f54a1afdbe18888ce14e6ec08dfb0f3bf

7645fec 2012-08-01 08:25:59 Chad Jones

Initial empty repository