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File Info

Rev. 287e1e96f87020268a0cb4b9135bdf64cc46995f
Tamanho 2,373 bytes
Hora 2011-06-05 23:22:51
Autor henoheno
Mensagem de Log

allow branch_r1_4_7 etc


$Id: UPDATING.en.txt,v 1.6 2007-02-11 05:53:29 henoheno Exp $


See description at PukiWiki-official


PukiWiki 1.4.8: Incompatibility from PukiWiki 1.4.7

   1. TrackBack implimentation had been removed entirely due to extremely
      strong suspicion of violating copyright. 'referer' function (that use
      the implimentation), also removed.
      (See BugTrack2/62)

PukiWiki 1.4.7: Incompatibility from PukiWiki 1.4.6

   1. Default value of administrator's password ($adminpass) had been changed
     from "pass" to "(A string never authenticatable)"
       * Password for PukiWiki 1.4.6 is also usable for 1.4.7
       * Password format had been changed from 1.4.6 (See BugTrack/709)

   2. The implementation of "OS command execution after write" had been
     changed from "with a global variable($update_exec)" to "with a
     constant(PKWK_UPDATE_EXEC)" for security reason

      If someone tricks you into using malicious (but obfuscated) plugin,
      that can simply rewrite $update_exec, to do something nasty.
      (a vulnerability called "OS command injection")

   3. Default contents:

       Some pages that have mutibyte-characters had been renamed to ascii
       ("FormattingRules" and "Help"). And some pages had been removed
       ("InterWiki<technical in Japanese>", "<'Japanese' in Japanese>".
       (See BugTrack2/118)
       Page "FormatRule" had been renamed to "FormattingRules", to show
       text formatting rules with edit plugin correctly

       And the setting "$rule_page" now specifies not "Text Formatting
       Rules" (No such page ...) but "FormattingRules".  (See BugTrack2/118)

     If you add the page by hand, please don't forget to "freeze" the page!

   4. Files: These files had been removed
     pukiwiki.php    : If you want it, please just copy index.php
     skin/default.js : No one use this file ...

   5. Footnotes: Footnote hyperlinks will never hold "Whole footnote text"
      but "First N letters of the footnote text"

   6. Plugins: These plugins will follow $non_list (non-listing filter
     pattern) setting: attach, popular, related, touchgraph, yetlist
     (See BugTrack2/140, BugTrack2/175)