Fóruns: 公開討議 (Thread #37706)

Blending Mode (feBlend) (2016-05-04 07:17 by Emanuele #78028)

I need to do a multiply blend of some UI elements, but SIE doesn't seem to support Blending Modes. I'm referring to this feature of SVG:


Can you add support for this?
Thank you

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Re: Blending Mode (feBlend) (2016-05-08 21:01 by dhrname #78042)

[Reply To Message #78028]

I'm sorry that I can't do this

> Hi,
> I need to do a multiply blend of some UI elements, but SIE doesn't seem to support Blending Modes. I'm referring to this feature of SVG:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/filters.html#feBlendElement
> Can you add support for this?
> Thank you

Responder a #78028

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