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Projeto Descrição

AlterLinux is an ArchLinux-derived OS that has been developed by customizing archiso. Japan's first "ArchLinux-derived OS developed in Japan". Equipped with Xfce4, which is uniquely customized to the standard desktop environment, enables easy operation. It can be installed easily with the GUI installer. All settings such as network and disk can be done with GUI, making it the best OS for migration from Ubuntu and other sources. Since the repository is shared with ArchLinux, you can use the latest packages and use the rich information of ArchWiki as it is. Development is performed by FascodeNetwork (formerly SereneTeam), which also handles SereneLinux, and it is the best OS that developers with abundant experience and technology are particular about making it easy to use for all users.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Liberado: 2020-08-10 21:08
Xfce-JP 20Q2.4.0 RC1 20200810 (6 files Esconder)

Release Notes

See GitHub for details



Thunarのアクションを変更 GTKアイコンを修正 ターミナルのPowerLineをPowerLIne-Goに変更 ipad_chargeを追加 pamac-gtkをpamac-aurに変更 #91 を修正 #90 を修正 RootのデスクトップにCalamaresのアイコンがある問題を修正 サイドバーの自動生成を追加 Firefoxの日本語化を追加( #107 ) インストール後に自動でWelcomeページを開く pacman-initサービスが実行できない問題を修正 dconfのデフォルト設定を追加 useraddのデフォルト設定を追加 systemd-tymesyncdを追加 meditの設定を変更 起動時に「ようこそ」ページを表示 デスクトップの公式サイトへのリンクの仕様を変更 .zprofileや.bash_profile余分な処理を削除 インストール過程のライブ環境用設定の変更を修正 インストール過程のスクリプトのエラー監視