How to use ASUD

There are 2 primary viewing modes controlled with the m-key:
1) candidate-view, and 2) minimal-view. The latter
shows only known singles as well as cells with only a single candidate (in green).

The general strategy for solving any sudoku puzzle is to minimize the candidates within each cell.
After loading a puzzle, you will need to FlushAll, perhaps more than once, in order to
properly initialize the candidates that are displayed. Each flush might expose new singles
that subsequently need flushing, again. The automation of flushes has recently been
reduced to a bare minimum to avoid confusion.

Similarly, the unique singles key (u-key) frequently exposes new (green) singles with each press,
so that mutliple presses might be needed.

Use the following ASUD-methods to work towards a solution:

* remove candidates using
    * Digit-Doubles-view
    * Hidden Pairs/Triples/Quad-view
    * Ywing-view
    * Xwing-view
    * Linked-Pairs-view
    * xCycle-view.
* f-key: Flush all dups
* u-key: process all [Unique] singles: remove other candidates in same cell, then flush.

The hidden pairs/triples/quads tool allows particularly easy removal of excess candidates.
Simply remove the Cyan digits in each involved cell.

If new digit pairs or singles appear, you might be able to eliminate even more candidates.