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Projeto Descrição

Void Linux based distribution focused on give an user-friendly experience, using Calamares installer, providing both GlibC and Musl libraries, x86_64 and i686 support, and LXQt as default desktop environment (also, in the future we'll provide more desktops and/or a netinstall).

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Liberado: 2023-02-18 07:56
cereuslinux XFCE Beta 2023.02.17 (4 files Esconder)

Release Notes

This is the first release of XFCE edition.

Known Issues: - Sometimes, when opening a pinned app, it will appear twice in the panel. This can easily fixed unpinning the first and pinning the new one.

Este es el primer lanzamiento de la edición XFCE.

Problemas conocidos: - A veces, cuando se abre una aplicación anclada al panel, aparecerá repetida. Esto puede ser fácilmente arreglado desanclando la primera y anclando la nueva.


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