[Coins-compiler-users] automated instruction set extension for coins

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nakata nakat****@kamak*****
2008年 3月 29日 (土) 10:36:43 JST

Dear Daniel,

I'd like to know the details of your project.
Can I read your documentation ?


Ikuo Nakata

At 11:41 AM -0400 08.3.28, Daniel Shapiro wrote:
>I'm part of a project at the University of Ottawa that is trying to add
>instruction set extension to COINS. We are trying first manually, and then
>from basic-block analysis. Three of us are working right now at the
>LIR/TMD level and trying to add a large instruction manually to the SPARC
>ISA. We've been through the documentation and the code for the SPARC
>backend, and we've built a few simple compiler drivers. Is there anyone in
>the COINS project who might be able/interested in talking to us about
>COINS and how we might be able to contribute in this direction?
>Daniel Shapiro, <http://B.A.Sc>B.A.Sc ., <http://M.A.Sc>M.A.Sc. (Candidate)
>School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE), University of Ottawa
>Tel: (613) 562-5800 ext. 2189
>Office: SITE4009
>Email: dshap092 -at- <http://site.uottawa.ca>site.uottawa.ca
>Website: <http://site.uottawa.ca/~dshap092/>site.uottawa.ca/~dshap092/
>Research Group: <http://carg.site.uottawa.ca/>carg.site.uottawa.ca/
>Coins-compiler-users mailing list

Ikuo Nakata
E-mail: nakat****@kamak*****
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