Takeda Toshiya氏による、エミュレータコレクション、Common Source Code Project ( http://homepage3.nifty.com/takeda-toshiya/ )をQtに移植した …だけではなく、富士通FM-8/7シリーズのコードを積極的にContribしています。
** Qt porting and FM-7/77/AV/AV40/EX for Common Source Code Project **
This package is Qt5 porting of Common Source Code Project (CSP) and built with Qt5, for Windows, built with MinGW(32bit).
Source Code:
Additional INFO:
Common Source Code Project (CSP) is good emulator writing. It also distributed with GPLv2, this is good for me.
But codes are specified to M$ Visual C. I'm using GNU/Linux, and I starting to apply FM-7(or later).
So, I start to port to GNU/Linux and using Qt4/Qt5.
What you need at least:
a. Qt5 (neither Qt3 and Qt4) toolkit: Qt5.3 or later.
b. Some OpenGL implementation, maybe at leaset OpenGL v2.x .
c. gcc / g++ (5.0 or later? ) or llvm clang / clang++ (3.5 or later?) toolchain.
d. SDL2 (not SDL1.x).
e. CMake 2.8 or later.
f. Needs ffmpeg.See https://ffmpeg.org/ .
g. FFMpeg has bundled only for Win32.Please install for other OSs if not working.
h. Built with Qt5.5 (for Ubuntu 16.04LTS) or Qt 5.10 (for Win32 and Debian/Sid).
i. Now, changed default drawing infrastructure to OpenGL ES2.You can change --opengl option via comman line (or GUI).
j. Now for Win32 build, using LLVM CLANG cross toolchains on Docker environment.Because exception handling of MinGW-w64's gcc is very slowly (this cause by *evil* Borland).
* TIPS: If emufoo.exe don't show screen drawing, set environment variable QT_OPENGL to software (i.e. Using Windows as VirtualBox's gueat OS).
3.How to build:
After extracting (or git pulled) sourcecodes:
$ cd {srctop}/source/build-cmake/{Machine name}/
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
To configure:
$ cmake ..
$ ccmake ..
To build:
$ make
To install:
$ sudo make install
4.Qt specified notice:
a. I tested to build only under Debian GNU/Linux "sid",Ubuntu Linux 16.04LTS "Xenial" for AMD64 (x86_64) and MinGW with GCC6 (Windows 32bit).
b. Now, I using Qt5 as toolkit, because authors of Qt announced "Qt4 is obsolete, will be updated no longer".
c. All of virtual machines are already ported to Qt (On Oct 29, 2015).
d. Now using GCC-6.1 with Link Time Optimize to build for distrubuted binaries.
e. Implemented socket, networking for MZ-2500, but, not tested yet (;´Д`)
Project Page:
Upstream (Takeda Toshiya San's original code):
Special thanks to:
* To see older changes, read ChangeLog and 000_gitlog.txt.
* SNAPSHOT August 01, 2021
i.e)AYAYO 4.
-- August 01, 2021 22:34:13 +0900 K.Ohta <whatisthis.sowhat@gmail.com>
Upstream changes: * To see older upstream's changes, read history.txt.
VM/DATAREC fix mixing sound track VM/HD46505 support smooth vertical scroll VM/MC6843 fix seek command VM/MC6844 fix data chain register to consider 2/4 channel select bit VM/MC6844 fix to transfer 64K when byte count register is zero VM/Z80CTC fix to apply written time constant just after reset bit is cleared
BX1 fix memory map around ram BX1 support cartridge rom images BX1/DISPLAY add missing font patterns BX1/FLOPPY support i/o ports around fdc BX1/KEYBOARD support PROG.SELECT switch BX1/PRINTER support AUTO PRINT switch MZ1500/JOTSTICK support joystick (thanks Mr.Koucha-Youkan) PC6001 remove some codes from iP6 Plus X1TURBO/DISPLAY support smooth vertical scroll
WINMAIN improve WM_KEYDOW/WM_KEYUP events for VK_PROCESSKEY case WIN32/CONSLE improve routine to change console size
VM/DISK fix density flag when loading solid image with fm sectors VM/MC6843 fix track zero flag in STRA VM/MC6843 fix seek error flag in STRB VM/MC6843 fix seek command
BX1/DISPLAY improve for drawing digitron display BX1/KEYBOARD improve I/O ports for detecting key pressed/released BX1/PRINTER add ugly patch for printer process
VM/I8279 support 8279 (based on MAME)
MP85 support MITEC MP-85
VM/UPD765A improve for the case tc is asserted while reading/writing sector
PC8801/PC88 improve to render screen with port params at end of disp timing X1TURBO/FLOPPY fix to change type of all drives (thanks Mr.Sato)
WINMAIN improve for pressing shift key and numpad key
MZ80K fix roman/kana conversion MZ80K/KEYBOARD improve for pressing right shift key and numpad key
PC8801/PC88 improve crtc to refer reverse setting in start display command
VM/SCSI_CDROM fix start frame of CD-DA playing when track number is specified
PCENGINE/PCE fix issue that ADPCM is mistakenly looped
VM/SCSI_CDROM fix pre-gap of first track when it is audio track
VM/SCSI_CDROM improve routine to get start/end frame of CD-DA playing
PC8801/PC88 support 8inch DMA-type floppy drives for PC-8001mkII/SR PC9801/DISPLAY improve EGC (thanks Mr.Ryuji Okamoto)
PC8801/DISKIO improve to read/write files in initial current directory PC8801/PC88 support force ready/drq mask register for DMA-type FDD PC8801/PC88 fix PC-8001mkIISR hiragana font when PCG-8100 is enabled
PC8801/DISKIO support M88 DiskDrv (thanks Mr.CISC and Mr.apaslothy) PC8801/PC88 support PC-8001mkIISR hiragana font PC8801/PC88 support to disable 5inch/8inch-FDD interfaces PC8801/PC88 support to disable updating scan line setting automatically PC8801/PC88 fix mouse data when position is not latched
PC8801/PC88 support 8inch DMA-type floppy drives
VM/MC6843 support MC6843 (based on MAME) [[VM/SCSI_CDROM] fix to reset logical block size in Test Unit Ready command
BX1 support CANON BX-1 (not work) MZ1500/QUICKDISK improve for BSD record (thanks Mr.Motochan1500) PC8801/PC88 fix hireso graphic screen when scan line is disabled
PC8801/PC88 fix to clear attibutes at starting new frame PC8801/PC88 fix to read status of 2nd OPNA
PC8801/PC88 fix to run dma from memory to crtc when (rd,wr)=(0,0) PC8801/PC88 fix to run dma from scsi to memory only when count > 0
COMMON fix build error on VC++2019 (thanks Mr.Sato)
VM/Z80CTC fix not to clear in-service at software reset (thanks Mr.Sato) VM/Z80DMA fix stall cycles at BUSACK in byte mode (thanks Mr.Sato)
X1TURBOZ/DISPLAY fix zpalette in 64 colors, 2 screens mode (thanks Mr.Sato)
MZ1500 fix inp(0xe8) to detect voice board is missing (thanks Mr.kitahei88) X1TURBOZ/DISPLAY fix to update zpalette at vline=0 (thanks Mr.Sato)
OSD/WIN32 import Unity plug-in code (thanks Mr.Marukun)
VM/I386_NP21 update to Neko Project 21/W ver0.86 rev79 beta4 VM/UPD765A fix transfer size to 128 << min(N, 7) (thanks Mr.Kugimoto)
MZ1500/QUICKDISK improve for QDF format (thanks Mr.kitahei88) MZ1500/QUICKDISK improve for BSD record (thanks Mr.Yuushi) PC9801/MEMORY fix switching BIOS ROM/RAM X1/CZ8RB support CZ-8RB (thanks Mr.Meister)
Have fun! -- Ohta.
** Qt porting for Common Source Code Project **
K.Ohta <whatisthis.sowhat _at_ gmail.com>
* If you can't read Japanese, read readme.qt.txt .
0. 概要
1. 背景
2. 最低限必要なもの(Qt版)
3. ビルドの方法
4. Qt固有の話
5. 移植状況
6. Upstream repositry:
7. Project Page:
8. Upstream (Takeda Toshiyaさんのオリジナル)
Special thanks to:
* 前の変更点をお読みになる場合には、ChangeLogと000_gitlog.txtをお読み下さい。
* SNAPSHOT August 01, 2021
i.e)AYAYO 4.
-- August 01, 2021 22:34:13 +0900 K.Ohta <whatisthis.sowhat@gmail.com>
本家の変更: * 前の変更点をお読みになる場合には、history.txtをお読み下さい。
VM/DATAREC fix mixing sound track VM/HD46505 support smooth vertical scroll VM/MC6843 fix seek command VM/MC6844 fix data chain register to consider 2/4 channel select bit VM/MC6844 fix to transfer 64K when byte count register is zero VM/Z80CTC fix to apply written time constant just after reset bit is cleared
BX1 fix memory map around ram BX1 support cartridge rom images BX1/DISPLAY add missing font patterns BX1/FLOPPY support i/o ports around fdc BX1/KEYBOARD support PROG.SELECT switch BX1/PRINTER support AUTO PRINT switch MZ1500/JOTSTICK support joystick (thanks Mr.Koucha-Youkan) PC6001 remove some codes from iP6 Plus X1TURBO/DISPLAY support smooth vertical scroll
WINMAIN improve WM_KEYDOW/WM_KEYUP events for VK_PROCESSKEY case WIN32/CONSLE improve routine to change console size
VM/DISK fix density flag when loading solid image with fm sectors VM/MC6843 fix track zero flag in STRA VM/MC6843 fix seek error flag in STRB VM/MC6843 fix seek command
BX1/DISPLAY improve for drawing digitron display BX1/KEYBOARD improve I/O ports for detecting key pressed/released BX1/PRINTER add ugly patch for printer process
VM/I8279 support 8279 (based on MAME)
MP85 support MITEC MP-85
VM/UPD765A improve for the case tc is asserted while reading/writing sector
PC8801/PC88 improve to render screen with port params at end of disp timing X1TURBO/FLOPPY fix to change type of all drives (thanks Mr.Sato)
WINMAIN improve for pressing shift key and numpad key
MZ80K fix roman/kana conversion MZ80K/KEYBOARD improve for pressing right shift key and numpad key
PC8801/PC88 improve crtc to refer reverse setting in start display command
VM/SCSI_CDROM fix start frame of CD-DA playing when track number is specified
PCENGINE/PCE fix issue that ADPCM is mistakenly looped
VM/SCSI_CDROM fix pre-gap of first track when it is audio track
VM/SCSI_CDROM improve routine to get start/end frame of CD-DA playing
PC8801/PC88 support 8inch DMA-type floppy drives for PC-8001mkII/SR PC9801/DISPLAY improve EGC (thanks Mr.Ryuji Okamoto)
PC8801/DISKIO improve to read/write files in initial current directory PC8801/PC88 support force ready/drq mask register for DMA-type FDD PC8801/PC88 fix PC-8001mkIISR hiragana font when PCG-8100 is enabled
PC8801/DISKIO support M88 DiskDrv (thanks Mr.CISC and Mr.apaslothy) PC8801/PC88 support PC-8001mkIISR hiragana font PC8801/PC88 support to disable 5inch/8inch-FDD interfaces PC8801/PC88 support to disable updating scan line setting automatically PC8801/PC88 fix mouse data when position is not latched
PC8801/PC88 support 8inch DMA-type floppy drives
VM/MC6843 support MC6843 (based on MAME) [[VM/SCSI_CDROM] fix to reset logical block size in Test Unit Ready command
BX1 support CANON BX-1 (not work) MZ1500/QUICKDISK improve for BSD record (thanks Mr.Motochan1500) PC8801/PC88 fix hireso graphic screen when scan line is disabled
PC8801/PC88 fix to clear attibutes at starting new frame PC8801/PC88 fix to read status of 2nd OPNA
PC8801/PC88 fix to run dma from memory to crtc when (rd,wr)=(0,0) PC8801/PC88 fix to run dma from scsi to memory only when count > 0
COMMON fix build error on VC++2019 (thanks Mr.Sato)
VM/Z80CTC fix not to clear in-service at software reset (thanks Mr.Sato) VM/Z80DMA fix stall cycles at BUSACK in byte mode (thanks Mr.Sato)
X1TURBOZ/DISPLAY fix zpalette in 64 colors, 2 screens mode (thanks Mr.Sato)
MZ1500 fix inp(0xe8) to detect voice board is missing (thanks Mr.kitahei88) X1TURBOZ/DISPLAY fix to update zpalette at vline=0 (thanks Mr.Sato)
OSD/WIN32 import Unity plug-in code (thanks Mr.Marukun)
VM/I386_NP21 update to Neko Project 21/W ver0.86 rev79 beta4 VM/UPD765A fix transfer size to 128 << min(N, 7) (thanks Mr.Kugimoto)
MZ1500/QUICKDISK improve for QDF format (thanks Mr.kitahei88) MZ1500/QUICKDISK improve for BSD record (thanks Mr.Yuushi) PC9801/MEMORY fix switching BIOS ROM/RAM X1/CZ8RB support CZ-8RB (thanks Mr.Meister)
お楽しみあれ! -- Ohta.
* SNAPSHOT August 01, 2021
i.e)AYAYO 4.
-- Aug 01, 2021 22:34:13 +0900 K.Ohta <whatisthis.sowhat@gmail.com>