Koichi Kokura
2003年 8月 18日 (月) 23:23:47 JST
お世話になります、小倉と申します。 現在Windows環境にてCVS-NT+CVSMailerでソースファイルを管理し、 Commitの際は登録メンバーにコミットメールを出すことを予定しております。 自PCにSMTPサーバおよびCVS-NTをセットアップし、 CVS−Mailerもインストールガイドを参考に設定してみました。 コミットの際はCVS-Mailer自体は起動するのですが、 CVS-MailerよりSMTPサーバにメールを送信している様子がありません。 いろいろとCVS-Mailerの設定ファイルを変更したりしておりますが どうしてもメールを送信出すことができません。 どうか皆様のお知恵をお借りできませんでしょうか? 大変基礎的な質問かもしれませんがよろしくお願いいたします。 なお、設定ファイルおよびその際のLOGは下記のとおりです。 [CVSMailer.ini] ;Flag if the user doing the commit shall receive mail MailToCommitUser =1 ;If the sender of the mail shall not be the user doing the CVS operation then: ForceIniSender =1 Sender=admin****@xxxx***** SenderName=CVS-Server ;You can add footer messages here. They will appear at the end of the message. ;CVSMailer will choose the proper message depending on the sender selection ForcedSenderMessageFooter1 =This message was sent by CVS. Do not reply. NormalMessageFooter1 =This message was sent by CVS on behalf of the user. NormalMessageFooter2 =You can reply directly to him/her. ;Add recipients that will always receive mail here, must be noted in the users file Recipient1= [CVSusers] ;The CVSMailer users can be specified here instead of in the users file, but then notify will not work User1= ;Here is a map for the cvsroot as used in the commands against the specifier ;in the viewcvs.conf or cvsweb.conf file. This will be used in the weblinks. ;enter the correct specifiers against the cvsroots here. Note: Case sensitive! [WebLinkRoots] F:/CVSREPO/CMP=CMP F:/CVSREPO/PC=PC [MLxxxxx] 20030818 23:02:40 -------- CVSMailer Ver: -------- 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Checking for commit of new folder 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Reading the CVSROOT for weblinks from ini file. Using this key: :local:c:\cvs_rep 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Root read from ini file = 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Parameter 1: -l000003ec 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Parameter 2: Administrator 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Parameter 3: :local:c:\cvs_rep 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Parameter 4: CVSROOT loginfo,1.7,1.8 20030818 23:02:40 CVS message on stdin: Update of c:/cvs_rep/CVSROOT In directory tp24:C:\\TEST_CHK\\CVSROOT Modified Files: loginfo Log Message: s 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: CVSTEMP= C:\ProgramFiles\CVSMailer\temp 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Temp dir exists: C:\ProgramFiles\CVSMailer\temp 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: CVS temp dir= 1658238480 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: CVS full temp dir created = C:\ProgramFiles\CVSMailer\temp\#1658238480#\ 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Checking lockfile: C:\ProgramFiles\CVSMailer\temp\#1658238480#\maillock.txt 20030818 23:02:40 Starting delayed copy: C:\ProgramFiles\CVSMailer\CVSMailer.exe -m1658238480 Administrator :local:c:\cvs_rep 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: CVSTEMP= C:\ProgramFiles\CVSMailer\temp 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Temp dir exists: C:\ProgramFiles\CVSMailer\temp 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: CVS temp dir= 1658238480 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: CVS full temp dir created = C:\ProgramFiles\CVSMailer\temp\#1658238480#\ 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Lockfile for this call will be: C:\ProgramFiles\CVSMailer\temp\#1658238480#\maillock.txt 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Creating new lockfile, timestamp = 35443995 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Loading users data from ini file 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: CVSTEMP= C:\ProgramFiles\CVSMailer\temp 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Temp dir exists: C:\ProgramFiles\CVSMailer\temp 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: CVS temp dir= 1658238480 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: CVS full temp dir created = C:\ProgramFiles\CVSMailer\temp\#1658238480#\ 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Updating commit log message... 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Getting mail address for user: Administrator 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: MailAddress= MailName= 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Could not get mail address for user Administrator. ReplyTo disabled 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Sender is set from ini file to be: admin****@xxxx***** 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Reading the subscribed user list in :local:c:\cvs_rep\CVSROOT\loginfousers 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Adding command line users to loginfousers list 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Parsing the subscribed users 20030818 23:02:40 DEBUG: Found user 20030818 23:02:40 No log recipients! [MSxxxx] 20030818 23:02:40 -------- CVSMailer Ver: -------- 20030818 23:02:40 Mail send, but first wait for a while (10 s) 20030818 23:02:50 Wait over, now send email. 20030818 23:02:50 DEBUG: Reading the CVSROOT for weblinks from ini file. Using this key: :local:c:\cvs_rep 20030818 23:02:50 DEBUG: Root read from ini file = 20030818 23:02:50 DEBUG: Starting delayed send 20030818 23:02:50 DEBUG: CVSTEMP= C:\ProgramFiles\CVSMailer\temp 20030818 23:02:50 DEBUG: Temp dir exists: C:\ProgramFiles\CVSMailer\temp 20030818 23:02:50 DEBUG: CVS temp dir= 1658238480 20030818 23:02:50 DEBUG: CVS full temp dir created = C:\ProgramFiles\CVSMailer\temp\#1658238480#\ 20030818 23:02:50 DEBUG: Reading the CVSROOT for weblinks from ini file. Using this key: :local:c:\cvs_rep 20030818 23:02:50 DEBUG: Root read from ini file = 20030818 23:02:50 DEBUG: CVSMailer sending mail 20030818 23:02:50 DEBUG: Failed loading temp files