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= DataReplay::README.en

DataReplay is a debug tool for MPI programs.

This logs contents of the events, makes it possible to run and stop

each process independently.

There are two debug parts, these are Logging part and Replay part.

== Author

Shinya Abe <>

== License


== Requirement

* mpich-1.2.*

== Get

  % svn co datareplay

== Install

Before install, set a shell variable `CC' to mpicc.

when csh,

  % setenv CC mpicc

when zsh

  % export CC=mpicc

Install DataReplay

  % ./configure
  % make
  % make install

== Usage

=== Log

(1) Build

  % mpicc -L{InstDir}/lib -ldatalog {srcfile} -o {execfile}

(2) Generate log files

  % mpirun -np n {EXEC}

=== Replay

(1) Build

  % mpicc -L{InstDir}/lib -ldatareplay {srcfile} {execfile}

(2) Replay by a log file

  % mpirun -np 1 {execfile} {logfile}