In circumstances where you begin to have so many items such as releases and files that they cause clutter on File Release feature, now there’s a convenient function that automatically collapses to hide the clutter. Also, we added new setting items to let you configure how you specifically want to show the items.
With projects that are known for a certain degree of success and reputation, there are huge amount of components such as packages, releases, and files that have been accumulated over time, but we were beginning to see a situation here and there that too much items cluttered on a page is hard on the eyes to see.
Hence we made modifications, so that on file release feature, either an entire list page or each package page can have an uncluttered cleaner look enabled by the automatic collapse feature. That said, because how file releases are being used differs according to the project, we will continue to add configurations so that there are more options on adjusting manually how items are shown. Configurations can be done from each project’s /releases/admin/.
Separately for an entire list of releases and each package page, you can adjust how releases and files are shown, as below,