Tíquete #39816

Quick Config "Auto" display bugs

: 2019-12-04 14:17 Última Atualização: 2020-01-20 00:53

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The auto lanes in the quick config menu (BD,BD) do not display correctly.
For drum, when choosing "Auto HH", it shows an "A" for H(ihat) and S(nare drum). "Auto BD" shows an "A" for H(i-tom).
"Custom" is very wrong as well. It shows an "A" for S(nare drum) when using BD etc.
For Guitar and Bass, "Auto Pick" shows "A"s for RGB and "Auto Neck" shows an "A" for P. (Meaning they are reversed)

The auto lanes are actually set correctly eventhough the display in Quick Config is wrong.

Also, shouldn't the "Auto HH" also set Hi-hat open to auto?

Ticket History (3/14 Histories)

2019-12-04 14:17 Updated by: beatme
  • New Ticket "Quick Config "Auto" display bugs" created
2019-12-04 21:27 Updated by: yyagi

Thank you for your report.

Due to my business, just now I can't start investigations. However I'll fix bugs all together later.

So if you have any other concerns, please let me know by tickets.

2019-12-10 02:36 Updated by: yyagi

Fixed. Would you try this?


I didn't check guitar/bass yet, but at least drum part work well, I believe.

2019-12-29 03:28 Updated by: yyagi

The fix has been pushed to f433ed0dfafefc6495a1cad2da40d3e11f53edab.

2020-01-02 09:43 Updated by: beatme

I'm very sorry for the late reply. Happy new year!

The drum part seems to work properly, but the display order is a bit weird. It shows "LC, HO, HH, BD, SD, HT, LT, FT, RD, CY", but in "Configuration" it is "LC, HH, HO, SD, BD, HT, LT, FT, CY, RD". (HO<->HH, BD<->SD, RD<->CY are reversed)

For guitar and bass it is still wrong. Auto Pick shows RGB (and sets only GB) but it should be P, and Auto Neck shows P but it should be RGB.
Also, changing Guitar Auto also changes Drum Auto and vice versa. And changing Bass Auto doesn't change anything I think, not even Bass Auto?

2020-01-05 04:05 Updated by: yyagi

Thanks for your reply. Happy new year! (元旦快乐! is better for you?)

I'll fix it soon (and also I'll fix other bugs you've reported)

2020-01-07 02:48 Updated by: beatme

I'm german actually, so it would be "Frohes neues Jahr".

In this version, the guitar Auto Neck/Auto Pick issue has been fixed, but some remain:
Changing Drum Auto also changes the Auto for Guitar and vice versa.
Changing Bass Auto does not change anything.

New issues:
The text is missing from the menu. Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/dgisxEB.jpg
"Auto BD" for Drum sets Auto to SD (probably because of the order change)

2020-01-08 02:20 Updated by: yyagi

Hi Guten Tag, sorry for your testing.

Here is the new fix module: https://osdn.net/users/yyagi/pf/DTXMania_TestBuilds/dl/DTXMania/DTXManiaGR_fixSortMenu2.zip

Changing Drum Auto also changes the Auto for Guitar and vice versa.


Changing Bass Auto does not change anything.


The text is missing from the menu. Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/dgisxEB.jpg

Fixed. (Hmm I've sent a little old modules..??)

"Auto BD" for Drum sets Auto to SD (probably because of the order change)

You're correct. Fixed.

2020-01-08 05:28 Updated by: beatme

Seems like everything is fixed in that version.

2020-01-08 08:28 Updated by: yyagi

Thanks checking. I'll fix next bugs.

2020-01-09 00:00 Updated by: yyagi
2020-01-09 00:01 Updated by: yyagi
  • Componente Update from (Nenhum) to DTXMania
2020-01-20 00:53 Updated by: yyagi
  • Estado Update from Aberto to Fechado

The fix has been include in the release 117.

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