Now that is fast becoming the standard, to provide a content editing tool that is separate from the flow of ideas by Home → blog so far is HTML5.
Technology to use, the client side (including Web fonts) CSS3, Canvas, etc. It is also likely to center in HTML5 and JavaScript (jQuery mainly). If you need a server-side it will be a PHP.
License adopts MIT.
// jQuery依存コードのため、jquery.jsのみは事前ロードしておいてくださいm(__)m
// 下記は「jquery-ui.min.js」を→googleの順で読み込む例です。
// 正常にロードされた時点でsuccessハンドラが実行されます。
$.cdnLoader( {
src: [
success: function(data) {
error: function(e) {
console.log( e.statusText );
} );
var hoge = "hogehoge";
// オプション無しのデフォルトは"local"(localStorage)
$.storage( "hoge", hoge );
alert( $.storage( "hoge" ) );
// expireを指定
$.storage( "hoge", hoge, { expire : 1 } );
// 配列
var foo = [ "a", "b", "c" ];
$.storage( "foo", foo );
var result = $.storage( "foo" );
for ( var i in result ) {
alert( result[i] );
var json = { "A" : 100, "B" : 200, "C" : 300 };
$.storage( "json", json );
var result = $.storage( "json" );
for ( var i in result ) {
alert( result[i] );
2013-03-12<br />