2007年 6月 29日 (金) 08:15:47 JST
Everyone Is Watching SREA! UP Again! Score One Inc. (SREA) $0.41 UP 2.5% SREA continues its steady climb for the second week. UP nearly 400% in the last two weeks, Stock reporting sites across the board are issuing stock watch notices. Read the news, look at the numbers, and get on SREA Friday! And half of Israel's nuclear arsenal will be put at Lebanon's disposal. 'The good voters of Bennelong won't be taken in by Madame Blow-In,' he told a moderate, intelligent talk-back radio host. 'This isn't like Iraq where we could just knock up a dossier proving the regime has, say, a nuclear weapons program. Several of al-Zarqawi's aides were killed in the sortie, including Sheik Abdul Rahman, the al Qa'eda leader's spiritual advisor. Those media networks that were sufficiently prepared crossed the screen with static as the footage of the diplomatic event went to air moments later, but others were too slow to act. Its important to remember for the sake of sanity that it's not in itself a crime to be smarter than your oppressors. And one of them, after the Samara bombing, he put the gun in the head of one of the doctors, his surgeon, he said to him, "if my patient will die he will die after him". The war on terror may get us all killed, say our capable leaders, statesmen, and officials. Meanwhile old problems remain unresolved and costly. The initial attack and a series of subsequent terrorist bombings - in London, Madrid, Istanbul and a score of other sites - have also had a powerful psychological effect on the West. 'It has been an extremely difficult situation,' Mr Downer said on Monday. Evidence of the hostile operations of the surreptitious and effective British military against the overgrown US equivalent remains scant. It is expected the troops will be able to restore a semblance of peace in East Timor in the short-term. The War on Terror may be the death of us all. Several of al-Zarqawi's aides were killed in the sortie, including Sheik Abdul Rahman, the al Qa'eda leader's spiritual advisor. Mr Howard thought about the question, and firmly shook his head. The answer appears to lie in inaccessible fine print of the sedition bill, or perhaps in the fine print of a future amendment to it, as yet unimplemented but likely retrospective when enacted. It might be a stretch to describe either the Minister or his Shadow as 'pretty'. Iran has an embassy in Australia, an ambassador, and as Trad suggests, there is trade between the two nations. For many SBS viewers, this is far from the truth. The new laws, perhaps, prohibit favourable discussion of 'Nations That Do Not Appeal To The Foreign Minister'. For many of the new volunteers in this long-term global war there is no expectation of imminent success - perhaps their great-great-grandchildren will see a world without America. While the United States authorities declare that Bin Laden is alive, somewhere, and probably Pakistan, another possibility is under consideration. I know at Ryde they are proud of their liberal attitudes and they won't come at the imposition of a shorts-only-with-long-socks rule during competition matches. But dealing with an inane, brutish Australian soldier who is armed and in fear for his or her own life and limb is not always a walk in the park. Mr Howard had to identify each one by appearance and taste. Above all, the experience is one of humiliation. The programme was screened on Australia's SBS network, but for unknown reasons is seen no more in the Antipodes, to the detriment of satire-starved inhabitants of that US tributary. But it is certainly less dangerous than NOT arming ourselves to the eye teeth and climbing out of helicopters half a world a way, guns blazing, in order to take down a few of the locals. 'This isn't like Iraq where we could just knock up a dossier proving the regime has, say, a nuclear weapons program. We are not at war with Iran. Israel's abundantly aggressive reaction to the slightest sign of military competence from its adversaries has itself been an obstacle to peace. At the same time, Hezbollah will provide Israel with half of its remaining missiles to the IDF, and the small Lebanese army will also divide its armoury. Mediascreens across the globe have displayed ample evidence of the carnage ongoing in Iraq's cities and towns three years after the invasion. But some analysts now maintain this is the best rather than the worse case scenario, painting a picture of a nightmarish alternative horrible to contemplate. Whenever it happens, we'll take 'em all on. The slow degradation of Australia's second public broadcaster has been a disturbing phenomenon. He may, privately, fantasise endlessly about the Shadow Workplace Relations Minister.