2011年 8月 9日 (火) 12:55:16 JST
佐藤です。 クロールがうまく行った際のログはこのようになっています。 2011-08-08 17:31:00,410 [Robot-20110808173053-1-2] INFO org.seasar.robot.helper.impl.LogHelperImpl - Crawling URL: smb://landisk/disk/proofs/test/08217200/201007080908314080_A463_____JTM-82172___12010054014_____AAA.HTM 2011-08-08 17:31:31,520 [main] INFO jp.sf.fess.helper.FileSystemIndexHelper - [EXEC TIME] crawling time: 33997ms 2011-08-08 17:31:57,743 [IndexUpdater] INFO jp.sf.fess.solr.IndexUpdater - The number of a crawled document is 3. The processing size is 3. The execution time is 16ms. 2011-08-08 17:31:57,772 [IndexUpdater] INFO jp.sf.fess.solr.IndexUpdater - The number of a crawled document is 0. The processing size is 0. The execution time is 1ms. 2011-08-08 17:31:57,772 [IndexUpdater] INFO jp.sf.fess.solr.IndexUpdater - Sending 3 document to a server. 2011-08-08 17:31:57,806 [IndexUpdater] INFO jp.sf.fess.solr.IndexUpdater - Sent 3 documents. The execution time is 34ms. 2011-08-08 17:31:57,806 [IndexUpdater] INFO jp.sf.fess.solr.IndexUpdater - [EXEC TIME] index update time: 79ms 2011-08-08 17:31:57,882 [main] INFO jp.sf.fess.helper.DataIndexHelper - No crawling target data. 2011-08-08 17:31:58,096 [main] INFO jp.sf.fess.exec.Crawler - [EXEC TIME] index optimize time: 208ms 2011-08-08 17:31:58,097 [main] INFO jp.sf.fess.exec.Crawler - Finished Crawler うまく行かなかった際はこうなりました。 ...... 2011-08-09 01:00:14,101 [Robot-20110809000009-1-3] INFO org.seasar.robot.helper.impl.LogHelperImpl - Crawling URL: smb://landisk/disk/proofs/hoge/04705800/ 2011-08-09 01:00:14,492 [IndexUpdater] INFO jp.sf.fess.solr.IndexUpdater - The number of a crawled document is 0. The processing size is 0. The execution time is 0ms. 2011-08-09 01:00:14,492 [IndexUpdater] INFO jp.sf.fess.solr.IndexUpdater - Terminating indexUpdater. emptyListCount is over 60. 2011-08-09 01:00:14,492 [IndexUpdater] INFO jp.sf.fess.solr.IndexUpdater - [EXEC TIME] index update time: 5784ms 2011-08-09 01:00:14,807 [main] INFO jp.sf.fess.helper.FileSystemIndexHelper - [EXEC TIME] crawling time: 3600895ms 2011-08-09 01:06:55,950 [main] INFO jp.sf.fess.exec.Crawler - Interrupted this crawling process: 20110809000009 Interruptedとあるので、何らかの理由で中断されたということでしょうか。 他の場所で調べたほうが良い部分などありますでしょうか?