Fóruns: Open Discussion (Thread #12049)

SA702i (2006-08-15 00:12 by Anônimo #24381)

FOMA SA702i, idVendor = 1140, idProduct = 1843

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RE: SA702i (2006-08-15 01:29 by Anônimo #24382)

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RE: SA702i (2006-08-29 12:00 by tkoki #24601)

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RE: SA702i (2006-08-30 21:04 by Anônimo #24637)

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RE: SA702i(動作報告) (2006-11-16 11:36 by Anônimo #26033)

ご参考までにFOMA SA702i動作報告です。

1 FOMA device detected.
0 th: name = FOMA SA702i, idVendor = 1140, idProduct = 1843

FOMAUSBDriver v1.25をインストール。
FOMA USB Modem (Unofficial)で設定するが初期化できず。

/Library/Modem Scripts/FOMA USB Modem (Unofficial)をコピーし
/Library/Modem Scripts/FOMA USB Modem (SA702i)とします。

write "AT&FE0Q0V1X4&C1&D2\\V1+IFC=2,2S0=0\13"

write "AT&FE0Q0V1X4&C1&D2\\V1S0=0+IFC=2,2\13"



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