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Projeto Descrição

Alma is a software workshop for modeling and analyzing. It reads several sources (languages, models, etc.), helps you design for object-oriented modeling (definition of classes, relations, patterns, etc.), modifies the structure and the code, and outputs new sources, documentation, diagrams, etc. It is designed for object-oriented modeling (definition of classes and relations) and for migrating code in older languages. It meets two needs, offering a simplified software modeling workshop for small projects and making it easier to do rewrites, ports, and encapsulation of non-OO code.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2001-10-26 21:32

Esta versão oferece duas novas metas: Jasmin, uma montadora, e DjaPaquets, para as dependências do pacote. Algum suporte para ferramentas externas foi adicionado. Correções de bugs e diversas melhorias foram feitas.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release provides two new targets: Jasmin, an assembler, and DjaPaquets,
for package dependencies. Some support for external tools was added. Bug fixes
and various improvements were made.

2001-09-25 21:46

Esta versão oferece algumas características novas, tais como antialiassing, duas novas metas (Dependência e formais), ea capacidade de carregar / salvar projetos inteiros em XML. Melhora também a análise de Java e um monte de outras coisas menores.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release provides some new features, such as antialiassing, two new targets
(Dependency and Formal), and the ability to load/save entire projects in XML.
It also improves Java parsing and a lot of minor other things.

2001-07-27 14:40

Esta nova versão traz a meta de produzir SrcHtml HTML a partir de qualquer código-fonte, um suporte para XSD (XML Schema, analisador e gerador, estado alfa), um seletor de fonte para os diagramas, e algumas correções de bugs. O código-fonte foi completamente reorganizada.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This new release brings the target SrcHtml to produce HTML from any source code, a support for XSD (XML Schema, parser and generator, alpha status), a font selector for diagrams, and some bug fixes. The source code has been completely reorganized.

2001-05-15 00:43

Melhor geração de HTML (a la JavaDoc), melhor C + + geração, pequenas alterações no editor de diagrama, e correções.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Better HTML generation (a la JavaDoc), better C++ generation, minor changes in the diagram editor, and bugfixes.

2001-04-11 18:28

Esta nova versão do Alma adiciona dois parsers para arquivos TagLib e JSP (Java Server Page). É melhor para a geração C + + e XMI e corrige alguns bugs. A GUI eo explorador também foram melhorados.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This new release of Alma adds two parsers for JSP and TAGLIB files (Java Server Page). It has better generation for C++ and XMI and fixes some bugs. The GUI and the explorer were also improved.

Project Resources