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Projeto Descrição

This is a mail filter which uses the Bayes algorithm as explained in Paul Graham's article "A Plan for Spam". It aims to be smaller, faster, and more versatile than other filters. The implementation is ANSI C and uses POSIX functions. Supported platforms are (in theory) all POSIX systems. It is independent from external programs and libraries, supports multiple database formats (flat files, libdb, and MySQL), and uses efficient zero-copy processing. SpamAssassin style passthru mode and headers are supported.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2002-10-07 20:11

Este comunicado contém um bugfix importantes para a rotina que desfaz registros anteriores do e-mail (utilizado nos interruptores e-S-N). A atualização é altamente recomendada. Por favor, leia o ChangeLog para instruções para corrigir erros em seus bancos de dados.
Tags: Major bugfixes
This release contains a major bugfix to the routine that undoes prior
registrations of email (as used in the -S and -N switches). Upgrading
is strongly recommended. Please read the ChangeLog for instructions to
correct errors in your datasets.

2002-10-07 13:23

Esta versão inclui melhorias importantes para o script configure, suporte para BSD fazer, suporte para libdb1 e libdb4 e manipulação de argumentação mais robusta.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This version includes major enhancements to the configure script, support for BSD make, support for libdb1 and libdb4, and more robust argument handling.

2002-10-04 06:32

Correções para código de retorno no modo de passagem e um problema de ligação com o MySQL, configurar um script novo, e vários pequenos ajustes.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Fixes for return code in passthrough mode and a link problem with MySQL, a new configure script, and several minor tweaks.

2002-10-03 05:52

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources