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Projeto Descrição

Chess Training Tools is a collection of chess training tools. It includes a chess visualization trainer that teaches chess visualization by drilling you on the color of a particular square, and also on your ability to tell if two squares are the same color, if two (or three) squares are on the same diagonal, if two squares are a knight move apart, or if two squares are two knight moves apart. It includes a weak chess program (called Vince) that lets you lag the display by several ply, hide all pieces or all pawns, and block out quadrants of the board. Furthermore, it includes an opening memorization trainer. The Palm & Pocket PC versions are missing the mate, opening trainer, and Vince.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-09-27 20:00

Esta versão adiciona timeouts questão e requizzing intensivo de questões respondidas incorretamente.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release adds question timeouts and intensive requizzing of incorrectly answered questions.

2004-09-27 02:32

Um bug onde uma resposta errada não causou o requiz de uma questão foi corrigido.
Tags: Palm, Minor bugfixes
A bug where an incorrect answer did not cause the requiz of a question has been fixed.

2004-05-31 19:58

Esta versão tem código de tempo e um tampão para requiz em itens que você estava muito lento para responder.
Tags: Palm, Minor feature enhancements
This release has timing code and a buffer to requiz on items that you were too slow to answer.

2004-05-28 10:06

Tabela hash com mobilidade condicionada, uma vez que não estava funcionando mais rápido, tipo mover melhor, e acrescentou lógica fianqueto.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Disabled hash table, as it was not running faster, improved move sort, and added fianchetto logic.

2004-05-26 04:58

Um item de menu sair foi adicionado suporte para Pocket PC.
Tags: Palm, Minor feature enhancements
An exit menu item was added for Pocket PC support.

Project Resources